Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transaction

they come to the altar, then he stops and says: "Listen, here is mine

The deacon, who is very educated, says that I am a heretic, and you will never tell me

They didn't say anything. Now tell me: who is right?" The angels answer: "He is right,

you are a heretic." Then the priest is indignant and says: "Why do you have nothing to me

And the answer of the angels is remarkable. They say: "There was a man with you,

and God said to us: say nothing so that this person can show love;

if he does not show love, then tell him." God, according to this story,

accepted the prayers, the bloodless sacrifice of this priest, because he

He was honestly mistaken—in his head, but not in his life, not in his heart, not in his faith, and

He was simply unable to understand with his head what was being said.

I am now talking about the consciousness of the Church, and not about the historicity of this case; I

I see no reason not to trust its authenticity, but that is not the point. Story

talks about how the Church perceived this. This point is clear here: man

he can be mentally mistaken and be pure in heart. Christ says: all blasphemy,

which shall affect the Son of Man shall be forgiven" (Matthew 12:32). Virtually

blasphemy is the limit, but up to this limit all misunderstanding, all distortion,

All mistakes that we can make mentally can be forgiven. Can't

to say goodbye to something else that relates to our deepest gut. And that's why I

I don't think that anybody would just be outside, that the mystery of God, the knowledge

God's things are unattainable for external man.

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