Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transaction

God and cowardice before people. Vanity is such an arrangement when

in which we do not take into account what God may think of our actions, words,

about our life, about our personality, and are addressed only to how they speak about us

people. A vain person lives in fear of human judgment, and this deprives

his fear of God. This condition is not only dangerous, but very terrible,

Because one more step — and vanity will be followed by pride.

Pride is a conscious attitude towards oneself as the last one

judge, as one over whom there is neither divine nor human judgment, and this

The condition, fortunately, is very rare among us. But the vanity of all of us in one way or another

in another measure he holds in captivity. The Fathers said that vanity is the last

an enemy who can be defeated by podvig, holiness, when in the end no one else

judgment, except for God's, has no meaning for us. Not in the sense that we

we despise human opinion, because man, our neighbor, often judges

as God judges us: He sees in us evil, unrighteousness, our weakness and ours

It is that only by transcending this state can we become

before the face of Christ and put the question to Him: "What are You, Lord, about me

думаешь? каков Твой суд? не мой, даже не суд моей совести, а Твой совершенный

суд, рожденный из Твоего совершенного видения меня какой я есть?»

Но рассказ о Закхее на этом не кончается. Христос приходит в его дом, и

Закхей, приняв Христа, Ему говорит, что всю свою жизнь выправит. Вот второй

вопрос, который этот рассказ ставит перед нами. Да, предположим, что мы хоть на