Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Transaction

Any liturgical rites for cases that have not yet been foreseen?

And, finally, there is a personal question. Every individual in the Church has the right

personal charity. Somewhere in the Orthodox consciousness there is: what he does not do

The Church as such, through the big "C", a member of the Church can do. I, of course,

I am not talking about violating something that lies in the essence of the Church. But in

Lives of Saints there is a story about how a priest prayed for suicides and

his bishop forbade him. And there was a night vision to that bishop: crowds of people

they shouted to him that he was their tormentor. And when he asked them: "But what am I for you

have you done?" — they answered: "One person prayed for us, and every time

He prayed and celebrated the Liturgy for us, we were relieved, and now you are us.

deprived of it." This does not change anything in the Church, but in some kind of personal order

sensitivity, personal sense of things, it changes. I have been in the parish for many years

priest who, with the blessing of our bishop, inserted

several petitions and, among other things, prayed for those who "in madness of heart and

darkness of the mind, they laid hands on themselves." And we have been praying for decades in such a

Form. Such a formulation in his mouth was not cunning, absolutely direct, and,

конечно, это покрывает огромное поле, потому что о ком можно сказать,

что он не был помрачен умом или безумен сердцем? Я с ним тогда говорил об этом,

потому что очень этому сочувствовал, и мы оба радовались, что эти слова нам

дают право молиться о всех, а вместе с тем не говорят ничего больше, чем можно
