Lectures on Church Law

Georgian-Imeretian Office (in Tiflis)

Established in 1814; consists of the chairman - the Exarch of Georgia (Archbishop of Kartalin) and 4 members (abbots of monasteries and archpriests). It also has a Prosecutor and a Chancellery. The circle of her department is more extensive than that of the Moscow Office. She is responsible for the general administration of church affairs in the Transcaucasian region and the management of church property there, the election and presentation of the Holy Synod. The Synod of candidates for episcopal cathedras, the judiciary as the first instance in marriage cases, in the misconduct of clergymen, and in other matters related to the spirit. Court. Eparch. the bishops of the region submit to her a report on their dioceses, report on the most important matters and cases of disagreement, etc. Synod.


Established in 1814; consists of the chairman - the Exarch of Georgia (Archbishop of Kartalin) and 4 members (abbots of monasteries and archpriests). It also has a Prosecutor and a Chancellery. The circle of her department is more extensive than that of the Moscow Office. She is responsible for the general administration of church affairs in the Transcaucasian region and the management of church property there, the election and presentation of the Holy Synod. The Synod of candidates for episcopal cathedras, the judiciary as the first instance in marriage cases, in the misconduct of clergymen, and in other matters related to the spirit. Court. Eparch. the bishops of the region submit to her a report on their dioceses, report on the most important matters and cases of disagreement, etc. Synod.


By means of it in the Holy Scriptures. The Synod is doing paperwork. It is an institution equal to the Chancellery of the Senate and is under the jurisdiction of the Synodal Ober-Procurator, with the Governor at its head. Its activities are extensive and take place in the order common to the offices of the highest state institutions. It has 6 departments with the Chief Secretary in each, and other officials. Ober-Procurator St. Synod. After the abolition of the ministry, the spirit. affairs, one department of this ministry was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ober-Procurator (the first, which was in charge of the spiritual affairs of the Greek-Russian confession). Subsequently (in 1839) it merged with the established (1836). Office of the Ober-Procurator. The Chancellery is in a position equal to that of the Ministers. It consists of 3 departments, under the management of the Director. It conducts cases concerning the power and activities of the Ober-Procurator. In addition, the Office of the Ober-Procurator has a Legal Adviser and an assistant. For the discussion of matters of special importance, a consultation is drawn up from the administrators of the central Synodal institutions, their assistants and the Legal Adviser, under the chairmanship of the Comrade Ober-Procurator.

Economic Department

For the administration of church estates, even before the establishment of St. Synod, Monastic Order, first established under the patriarchs, according to the conciliar code. The original Order was to judge mainly in civil suits against the clergy and church people; But in practice, it became subject to orders on state collections from church patrimonies, inventories of church property, and police orders for church departments. (1649), then closed in 1677 and reopened by Peter the Great in 1701. The order was placed under the control of the boyar. After the establishment of the Holy Synod. The Monastic Prikaz, which aroused great displeasure among the spiritual authorities and complaints about its decrees (from which church patrimonies became impoverished and desolate), passed into the department of the Holy Synod. In 1724, due to the disorder in the management of the estates, it was ordered to transform this Order into a special economic administration under the Holy Synod. Synod, with a secular president and members: at first it was called the Chamber Office. More than a million rubles of arrears alone have accumulated over two years. Soon this Office received a new structure: in 1726 the Synod was divided into two departments; the 1st, spiritual, was in charge exclusively of spiritual affairs; in the second, at the same time called the Collegium of Economy of the Synodal administration, and consisting of secular members, judicial and economic cases were carried out. Huge arrears accumulated behind the church patrimonies from exorbitant state taxes on them, and suspicions of poor management of the economy by the spiritual authorities, prompted the Government to transfer the Collegium of Economy to the jurisdiction of the Senate (1738). At the beginning of the reign of Empress Elizabeth (in 1745), this Collegium, through the intercession of the Holy Synod. was abolished and church property was again given to the administration of the spiritual authorities. For this purpose, the Synod formed the Chancellery of the Economic. Synodal administration. With the formation of a special Commission on Church Estates, the College of Economy was opened as an exclusively state institution (1763); and after the secularization of church property (1764), the economic part of St. The Synod was reduced, and therefore its administration was concentrated in the Chancellery of the Holy Synod. Synod. In 1836, in order to manage the church funds and dispose of them at the Holy Synod. The Synod established the Economic Committee, with its subordination to the Ober-Procurator, which was later (in 1839) transformed into the Economic Administration. In its structure, it is similar to the departments of the Ministries, to which it is equated. It is under the command of the Ober-Procurator of the Holy Synod. Synod. It consists of a Director, a Vice-Director, Members of the General Presence, three departments with officials, accounting, etc. The Synod, and the sums at its disposal; as well as all buildings and property under the special jurisdiction of the Holy Synod. Synod; economic management of these sums and property, as well as construction work in the church department at the expense of the treasury and Synodal funds; in the management of farms. upr. There is insurance against fire of buildings spirit. departments (Vys. approved on June 6, 1904). The administration collects reports on the receipt and expenditure of sums and on the economic part of all religious institutions. The Directorate draws up annual estimates for the amounts that are allocated from the State. Treasuries for the needs of the spirit. departments, according to the provisions, and for those that are spent by the Synod from its special funds. Through it, all donations to the Orthodox Churches abroad are transferred.


Учрежденный при департаменте бывшего Министерства дух. дел (по отделению правосл. испов.), Контроль был присоединен к хозяйствен. Комитету при Синоде (1836 г.); потом (1867 г.), он получил самостоятельное значение как особое центральное учреждение. Находится под начальством Обер-Прокурора. Состоит из Управляющего, Обер-Контролеров, контролеров, техников и др. чиновников. Контролю принадлежит наблюдение за правильностью оборота и сохранностью денежного и материального имущества как непосредственно подотчетных ему учреждений дух. ведомства, так и тех, которые представляют свои отчеты после предварительного их освидетельствования местными ревизионными Комитетами. Он производит как документальную ревизию оборотов этого имущества (по отчетам и документам), так и фактический контроль, состоящий в проверке наличия имущества, в техническом надзоре при строительных работах, в участии при торгах на подряды и поставки (Полож. Высоч. утв. 28 Апр. 1895 г.)

Духовно-учебный Комитет

По духовному регламенту, попечение о духовных школах было вменено в обязанность епархиальным архиереям. Св. Синод первоначально только наблюдал за тем, чтобы они открывались при архиерейских домах и изыскивал средства для их содержания. Но, по различным неблагоприятным экономическим причинам, духовные школы не могли развиваться и находились в жалком положении. В начале 19-го столетия правительство обратило особое внимание на устройство духовно-учебных заведений в России. Для преобразования существовавших заведений, открытия новых, и для управления ими, в 1808 г. была образована Комиссия духовных училищ, как самостоятельное, независимое от Св. Синода учреждение, членами которого были как духовные, так и светские лица. (Обер-Прокурор Св. Синода состоял в числе его членов и управлял канцелярией). Во время своего существования она изыскала и собрала большие средства на открытие и содержание духовных училищ, открыла большое их количество, разработала их уставы, организовала в них учебную часть, дала учебные руководства, - вообще, твердо поставила духовно-учебное дело. В 1839 г., с целью более тесной связи между церковным управлением и духовно-учебной частью, заведывание последней было передано Св. Синоду; Комиссия духовных училищ была закрыта, и вместо нее при Св. Синоде было учреждено Духовно-учебное Управление, под началом Обер-Прокурора Св. Синода, устроенное как департамент при министерстве. Оно должно было заботиться о внутреннем и внешнем благоустройстве училищ и распоряжаться духовно-учебным капиталом. В 1867 г., когда появилась необходимость преобразовать духовно-учебные заведения, и были составлены новые уставы для них, это Управление было упразднено, и взамен при Св. Синоде был учрежден Духовно-Учебный Комитет.

Хозяйственная часть по учебному ведомству находится в ведении хозяйств. управления при Синоде. Комитет состоит из председателя (духовное лицо), духовных членов, светских членов и нескольких членов-ревизоров, посылаемых Св. Синодом для ревизии средних и низших духовно-учебных заведений. При Комитете состоит Управляющий делами. Делопроизводство по управлению заведениями и по их ревизиям - в канцелярии Обер-Прокурора. Дела, поступающие в Комитет от Св. Синода, дела и заключения Комитета, представляемые в Св. Синод, идут через Обер-Прокурора.

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