«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

In order for a modern person to be able to understand the issues inexplicable from the point of view of psychology and medicine, to understand the causes of some mysterious diseases and strange changes in the behavior of relatives or acquaintances, we will try to show the origin, methods and forms of influence, as well as the symptoms and consequences of the phenomenon called "spoilage" in Russia.


The term "spoilage" in Russia has been used since ancient times. Moreover, it has always been used exclusively to designate precisely those forms of mental and physical diseases that were caused by the help of "dark forces" and secret witchcraft knowledge. The complete Church Slavonic dictionary compiled by Archpriest G. Dyachenko refers us to the Greek analogue of the Slavonic word "spoilage": ????????, or ???????? 6 The Greek word means: "to lose one's mind, to suffer the consequences of poison, sorcery, a magic drink"7. Since ancient times, the process of inducing damage has had several synonymous names in many Slavic languages, for example: enchantment, obavanie, sorcery, magic, witchcraft (from "vetdenie"), medicine man (from "knowledge"). And people who possessed specific knowledge that made it possible to come into contact with demonic forces were called, respectively, sorcerers, magi, magicians, sorcerers, healers, as well as tailors (from the word "spoil"). About these people and the consequences of their activities, the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. Dahl (its 1st edition appeared in 1861-68) says the following: "Portezhnik, portyozhnitsa and porchelnik, porchelnitsa; porter, porter, porter — who spoils people or cattle with charms, evil eye, slander water, quackery.

Spoiled — spoiled by an evil healer, on whom he "finds", is unleashed; fits like falling off, Witt's dances, clique, possession"8.

At present, the Slavic terms are: enchantment, enchantment, sorcery, etc. Long since they have fallen out of use and, as a rule, are replaced by two more modern terms: witchcraft or magic, which we will use in the future. Thus, it is witchcraft (magic) that is the main way to cast a spell on a person and domestic animals.


In order to clearly and unambiguously understand what we are going to talk about, it is necessary first of all to define the concept of "witchcraft" (magic):

Witchcraft (magic) is a set of methods of communication and interaction with the infernal (that is, lower, demonic) spheres of the spiritual world.

These methods include, but are not limited to, religious worship and service (prayer and sacrifice) to demons. The inevitability of this worship is evident from the above definition, since the word "connection" is the root word in the Latin word "religion." All these religious actions (the use of special satanic symbols, prayers, spells, sacrifices) are necessary for sorcerers in order to reaffirm the immutability of their choice between God and Satan in favor of the latter. This makes it possible for demons to get in touch, that is, to make direct contact with a person. And for man – the opportunity to solve his life problems, and of the lowest nature (to satisfy the thirst for revenge, power, sexual needs, passion for wealth, etc.) – with the help of angels who have fallen away from God, who after their fall are called demons, demons, and so on.

Thus, people who turn to witchcraft methods show that they have chosen the goal of their earthly existence to obtain pleasures limited to the time of their short earthly life. Moreover, they are ready to receive these pleasures, despite the fact that for other people they will turn into suffering, tears, illness or even death. The essence of this truly satanic philosophy was clearly stated by the famous magician Aleister Crowley in his "Book of the Law", which he wrote in a state of trance under the dictation of a spirit named Aivas. Its main formula sounds like this: "Do what Your Will commands, this will be the whole Law." There are, however, sorcerers (magicians) who know about the immortality of the soul and hope that earthly history will end with the victory of Satan-Lucifer over Christ, and all the devil's co-workers will become the elite in the eternal kingdom of Lucifer. This teaching is the essence of Kabbalah, it is held by all high-degree Masons and all Satanists.

But nevertheless, life itself has shown that sooner or later you have to pay cruelly for pleasures, especially those that cause sorrow to other people. Demons, attracting a person to cooperation, first try to create an illusion in the novice sorcerer (magician) that they will obey him unquestioningly, fulfilling his requirements only because of the correct pronunciation of spells or the performance of some ritual. But gradually this illusion is destroyed, because over time the demons inevitably show that it is not the magician who controls them, but, on the contrary, they control the magician. From this moment on, the demons no longer give the sorcerer a moment of peace, forcing him to constantly do evil to others, even when the sorcerer himself does not need it at all.