«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"Maria Ivanovna, will I be able to treat people with your methods?"

— Of course! And you can heal, and take revenge on any enemy. Like a fly you smack," and she laughed merrily. "Did you hear that half of the village burned down in Dubrovo the other day?"

And just yesterday I came across an article in the newspaper about a fire in Dubrovo, where several people died. I was scared, and I said:

"Maria Ivanovna, but people died there!"

"It's okay, you can do even more, you're young!" And if you like a peasant, you can make him run after you like a dog and, like a footman, fulfill all your wishes.

"Wanting to stop the unpleasant conversation for me and move it to another channel, I asked:

— Can you tell me how you diagnose patients, what methods and medications do you use to treat them? Probably, I will need to write it all down?

"You don't need to write anything down, daughter. All this is done in a completely different way than people think. They just don't know anything... And they shouldn't know! Listen, they shouldn't!! And she struck the table with her dry hand. Her eyes flashed with a kind of fierce flame. And I felt even scarier. The old woman brought her face closer to me and whispered:

"Now I will tell you a secret that you must keep all your life, and if you spill the beans, you and your whole family, both your husband and children, will perish!" She paused for a moment. "I'll give you four demons..."

At these words I shuddered so much with fear that the old woman noticed it. But she understood in her own way, and began to calm me down.

"Don't be afraid of them!" Although they look terrible, they will not touch you. I'll tell them you're going to be their new mistress.

I began to shiver violently.

"But if you are so afraid, I can order them to come so that you can't even see them, but only hear their voices, and then you get used to it." Nothing, it's just

At first, it's scary, it will all pass later. You'll get used to it, you'll get used to it," she repeated. "They are the ones who will help you: they will heal you, and bring damage, if necessary; And bewitch whoever you want, and how to make a medicine, and what kind of spell you need to read when. Everyone will prompt and help.