«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"You don't need to write anything down, daughter. All this is done in a completely different way than people think. They just don't know anything... And they shouldn't know! Listen, they shouldn't!! And she struck the table with her dry hand. Her eyes flashed with a kind of fierce flame. And I felt even scarier. The old woman brought her face closer to me and whispered:

"Now I will tell you a secret that you must keep all your life, and if you spill the beans, you and your whole family, both your husband and children, will perish!" She paused for a moment. "I'll give you four demons..."

At these words I shuddered so much with fear that the old woman noticed it. But she understood in her own way, and began to calm me down.

"Don't be afraid of them!" Although they look terrible, they will not touch you. I'll tell them you're going to be their new mistress.

I began to shiver violently.

"But if you are so afraid, I can order them to come so that you can't even see them, but only hear their voices, and then you get used to it." Nothing, it's just

At first, it's scary, it will all pass later. You'll get used to it, you'll get used to it," she repeated. "They are the ones who will help you: they will heal you, and bring damage, if necessary; And bewitch whoever you want, and how to make a medicine, and what kind of spell you need to read when. Everyone will prompt and help.

I was already thinking poorly from fear. There was only one thought - to get out of here as soon as possible. But how? If she realizes that I don't need her terrible "helpers", she will destroy both me and my loved ones so that I don't spill the beans. After all, she revealed her secret to me. And then I won't live! I was in a panic, my thoughts were confused, I did not know what to do, how to get out of this terrible story. Suddenly, a literal insight came. As if from the outside, as if from somewhere outside. A saving thought struck me. Now I knew what to say. Pulling myself together, I seemed to say quite calmly:

"Maria Ivanovna, today I came to you after an appointment at the clinic and I am very tired. Now my hungry husband will return home, and I have nothing cooked... And my son still needs help to do his homework, but he has no strength. Let's put it this way: I have a free day the day after tomorrow. I'll come to you,

And we will do everything that is necessary without any haste. Ok?

"Okay, daughter, let's do this. I'll be waiting for you. Come," and the old woman gently hugged me by the shoulders, "be sure to come."

I don't know how I got out of her apartment, how I got to the bus stop. Fear pierced me to the bone. Something had to be done. Somehow get out of this situation, and even save the life and health of people close to me. I am a person far from the Church, although I was baptized by my grandmother as a child. Sometimes, on major holidays, she would go to church, of course, and light candles. Well, in general, like many others. I don't even know why, but at this terrible moment in my life, I felt that help could only be expected from the Church. But it was already dark, and all the city churches were closed. I did not know any priest, there was no one to ask for help. I was seized by a terrible, inhuman fear. Paralyzed the will, thoughts. I was in a panic, I didn't know what to do. But then again some kind of insight. Suddenly a thought came to me: there is a monastery not far from the city. The monks live there permanently, which means that I will definitely find one of the priests, and although it is already nightfall, they probably will not refuse help and advice. That's how I got to you."