«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Of course, God's mercy is immeasurable. In a situation where the inhabitants of a remote village had no one to hear about God from, He could at some point send His help through a completely non-church woman in order to call people to Him. But the trouble is that after this incident, the villagers began to turn not to God, but to this woman, who became famous as a "healer" - the neighbors began to send all their acquaintances to her for help. And it did not even occur to her that the evil one could plot his intrigues here. In addition, she knew neither the Commandments of God, nor the essence of Christian teaching, nor the purpose of Christian life. Up to the age of 47, she lived the life of the most ordinary Soviet person, with all the features of his thinking, culture, worldview and way of life. It is quite understandable that over the years this woman has accumulated many sins, including mortal ones, but she never repented of them and did not even know about the need for confession, as well as many years of work to eradicate sinful habits and attachments. This helped the demons to convince the woman that it was she who was chosen by the Lord Himself to heal people through her. The idea that she was unworthy of this with all her sins did not even occur to her.

It should be noted that in our time demons act especially cunningly. They live in many, but not in all they manifest themselves explicitly, being content with imperceptible mental suggestions, with which they direct people to sin, slowly and gradually, year after year, taking possession of man's will, feelings, and thoughts.

In this case, seeing the woman's conversion to God, the demons were in a panic: their work was in danger. They were well aware that if the "patient" prayed and lived according to the Commandments, strengthened in her faith, she would eventually be able to free herself from their power. And in order to push her away from the path of salvation, they decided to use the old tried and tested technique - to make a "holy healer" out of her. However, the Lord did not leave her without admonition, giving her the opportunity to make a voluntary choice. She suddenly "accidentally" found herself in our church on the very day when, in a conversation before confession, I told about such tricks of demons. After the service, she came up to me and told me her case, trying to find out if her unexpected "abilities" belonged to the same series of demonic phenomena that I was talking about. This woman believed that the purity of her work was guaranteed by the fact that she did not read anything except prayers from the Orthodox prayer book and did not take any other actions. Naturally, she believed that she had received the power to heal from God, and unexpectedly and for free. It was not easy to talk to her. She really did not want to part with the role of a "healer" in order to turn into an ordinary, unremarkable woman again. It is not difficult to guess where this road will lead if she does not want to follow the advice to give up healing.




Without suspecting it, these unfortunate people are in fact conductors of demonic energy: some consider it to be the energy of their own biofield, others to be impersonal cosmic energy spread in the universe, which they have learned to accumulate, and still others to be the energy sent to them by God Himself. All these ridiculous theories only amuse the demons who live in them, who, being fallen, but still angels, have powers that are not given to any man. The entire twenty-century experience of the Church testifies:

Any psychic abilities that many of our contemporaries suddenly discover in themselves or "develop" with the help of occult methods (including the ability to heal people) are not their abilities at all, but the abilities of demons who live in their bodies.

But in order for demons to manifest their abilities through a person (supernatural for us, but not for them), they (demons) must be let in. Observations show that demons enter into unconscious sorcerers in two ways:

1. Using the help of the person himself.

2. Without his conscious efforts.