«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»


It is necessary to mention two groups of people whose supernatural (extrasensory) abilities manifest themselves without conscious human effort, spontaneously, as if "by themselves" and often at a very early age. The first group includes people with "innate" abilities, and the second group includes people with acquired abilities. As a rule, there are also two main reasons for the appearance of such "gifts". They, by the way, correspond to two main reasons for the origin of possession in humans, since the presence of psychic abilities is only one of the particular forms of human possession by demons. Let me remind you of these reasons:

1. Demons of the corresponding specialization can (according to my observations) pass from the mother into the bodies of babies during their fetal development (observed in the families of hereditary sorcerers, for example, in Maria-Stefania, Dzhuna Davitashvili, Yuri Tarasov) – these are, relatively speaking, "innate" abilities. Most of those who have received demons "by inheritance" from close relatives become conscious sorcerers (we talked about this above), but there are nevertheless some people from this contingent who remain unconscious sorcerers. As a rule, these are those who have not had direct contact with a sorcerer relative, for example, who has already died.

2. In other cases, acquired abilities can be observed, which appear due to numerous personal sins. Sins, as we know, deprive a person of the protection of Divine grace, which is the reason for the independent colonization of his body by demons, and these latter provide some (the most promising) with certain "gifts". The reader can learn who demons consider promising and who is not, and how they deal with unpromising "patients", from the book "What UFOs, Psychics, Occultists, Magicians Want to "Save" Us From" (Moscow, "Danilovsky Blagovestnik". 2001. p. 71).

Unfortunately, many people, including those who are quite educated, confuse extrasensory, that is, demonic, abilities with the grace-filled capabilities of Orthodox saints, who attained the highest degree of moral perfection and purity in Christ. Already during their lifetime it was said of them: "in the flesh is an angel," because their life was truly similar in its purity to the life of an angel. Only such people received from God the power to perform numerous miracles, first of all, for the sake of healing moral ailments, and only then – bodily ones. But this power – the grace of God – they slowly, for decades, acquired in a stubborn, painful struggle for the eradication of all the vices of their souls; they accumulated it in the most difficult struggle with demons, with the lust of the body, with the passions of vanity, self-love, anger, pride, envy, condemnation, lust for power, and so on and so forth.

For all this (I especially draw the reader's attention to this), none of the Orthodox saints ever consciously strove to obtain supernatural abilities, understanding that this is not at all the essence of the spiritual feat of a Christian. Moreover, some of them, having received the gift of miracles from God, refused it, realizing that it could contribute to the development of a sense of exclusivity in them, and consequently satanic pride, which is the most serious and difficult to heal of all sins.

None of the psychics and "healers" in the slightest degree did the spiritual work of purifying their souls, like the Orthodox saints did. And without this painstaking, most painful and long-term work to purify one's own soul, it is useless and even foolish to dream of any grace-filled divine gift. And indeed, none of the "folk healers", psychics, and even more so magicians and sorcerers who have ever lived has been attested by the opinion of the people of God as a holy ascetic and righteous man. On the contrary, most of them have lived and are living a life of wickedness and sinfulness, sinking deeper and deeper into adultery, intolerance of the shortcomings of their neighbors, love of money, irritability, and proud vanity, which elevates them in their own eyes to the rank of "supermen" or "saints."

Nevertheless, almost all of these unfortunate people deceived by demons are infinitely confident in the divine origin of their abilities to heal people with energy influence or even prayer. But it is about them that Christ spoke: "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord! God! Did we not prophesy in Your name (for example, the clairvoyant Vanga. — Author)? and was it not in Thy name that demons were cast out ("they removed the curse." — Author)? and have they not performed many miracles in Thy name (they healed illnesses and lifted corpses into a sitting position by the devil's power, like Y. Longo. — Author)?" depart from me, you workers of iniquity" (Matt. 7:22-23).


Ever since the head of the fallen angels, Lucifer, who is more often called Satan, together with like-minded angels, refused to obey his Father and Creator, he has not ceased to work on the task of separating all mankind from God and submitting all people to his authority. Psychics and other "healers" (i.e., unconscious sorcerers), who are assigned a very significant role in solving this problem, must nevertheless think that their abilities have a positive origin. To do this, demons use deception, which consists in a clever substitution of concepts. That is why one of the main tactics in this struggle is the METHOD OF SUBSTITUTION, which consists in passing off demonic actions as actions of God's grace.

Let me give you a few examples: just as the prophets of God received revelations from the Creator, the false prophets (founders of other religions and sects) received knowledge and revelations from demons who called themselves either "gods" and angels, or representatives of higher alien civilizations or cosmic teachers of humanity.

In the same way, like many Orthodox saints who performed many miracles and healings by the grace of God, sorcerers, magicians, shamans, Sufis, yogis, fakirs, lamas, and psychics amaze the gullible with miracles performed by the power of the demons living in them. One could point to many other similar substitutions, or even copying (however, as always, with a negative sign), but I believe that each of the readers can recall examples of this himself.

Here I will only note that in some cases occultists, psychics and other servants of the devil are even, I would say, forced to do something similar to what is done by true servants of God and in general by all Christians who live a correct church life. The spiritual practice of all peoples of the world shows that in order to achieve contact with the spiritual world, it is necessary to "thin" the flesh with the help of fasting, that is, the rejection of meat and dairy products, alcohol, etc. I will cite only two examples concerning fasting and prayer.