«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

214 He is the same. Homily 4. The First Accusation of Tsar Julian // Creations: In 2 vols. Vol. 1. P. 82.

215 St. Basil the Great. About. that God is not the author of evil // Creation. Part 4. P. 155.

216 V. T. ????????. ???????? ??? ????????????? ???????, ???? ??? ?. ?????? // ????. ????????. ??????., 1974. ?. 63.

217 St. Clement of Alexandria. Pedagogue. I, VIII // Yaroslavl Eparchial Gazette. 1888. Pp. 516, 529.

218 Plato. About the state. X, 617 E.

219 Archim. Justin Popovich. Man and God-man.

220 The Rite of the Burial of Lay People. The sticheron is self-voiced. Tone 2 // Trebnik. Pp. 187–188.

221 m. ??????. ?????. «??????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????????? // ?. ?. ????????. ????????? ?????????????? ??????, 1969. ?. 225.

222 St. Clement of Alexandria. Stromata VII, 12. P. 859; III, 9. P. 353.

223 St. Gregory of Nyssa. Refutation of the opinions of Apollinaris (anti-critic) // Works of the Holy Fathers. T. 44. Part 7. P. 88.

224 St. Gregory the Theologian. Moralizing poems. 34: 25.

225 St. Gregory Palamas. To the Honorable Nun Xenia // Philokalia. T. 5. P. 278.

226 St. Gregory of Nyssa. Refutation of Eunomius. Cl. 8 // Creations. T. 43. Part 6. P. 135: "For in relation to the flesh, life is called the activity and movement of the bodily senses; and vice versa, the cessation of their (activity) and destruction is called death."

227 St. Gregory Palamas. Theological Chapters, 52.