Synopsis on Sectology
About 600 B.C., records began to be kept "in the language of the fathers, who came from the sciences of the Hebrews and the language of the Egyptians" (1 Ne. 1:2). Nephi began this record with his first book and precedes the other 14 books. Nephi testifies that during the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah, there were many prophets who called the people to repentance, lest Jerusalem be destroyed. In a vision, Nephi's father, Lehi, was told to go into the wilderness with his family, leaving behind home, land, and valuables. Lehi was wandering with a tent near the Red Sea, and his sons, Laman and Lemuel, who were walking with him, grumbled against him for the disorder and domestic inconveniences. However, Lehi sends all three sons to Jerusalem to retrieve from Laban the records of the Hebrews, as well as the genealogies of the forefathers engraved on the brass plates. Laban does not want to give up the copper plates. Then, at the behest of his father, who came to the rescue, Nephi kills Laban. The brothers took the copper sheets and went back to their father in the wilderness. When looking through the sheets, there were: the contents of the five books of Moses, which set forth the creation of the world, the first people, the history of the Jews from the beginning to the accession to the throne of Zedekiah, the King of Judah; there were prophecies from the beginning of Zedekiah's reign, and many prophecies of Jeremiah. From the plates, the family learned that they were direct descendants of Joseph, the son of Jacob, who was sold into Egypt. The vision showed the promised land beyond the "great waters" where Lehi and his family would direct their steps. The Lord showed how to make the pieces of wood for the ship, and, "I, Nephi, did not work wood in the manner known unto man, neither did I build the ship after the pattern of man, but built it after the manner which the Lord had directed me, therefore it was not built in the usual way" (Nephi 18:2). Across the Mediterranean Sea in the morning, "having prepared all our belongings, much fruit and flesh from the wilderness, and honey in abundance, and food, according to the Lord commanded us, they entered the ship and flowed on a long journey to the promised land. The journey lasted many days, was full of various adventures on the way, the ship was on the verge of mortal danger, but with help from above, everything went well. Arriving on the American continent (about 589 B.C. according to their chronology), they pitched tents, began to plow the land, sow seeds that they brought from the land of Jerusalem and began to hunt animals, which were in abundance here. Along the way, Nephi made plates of "ore" (apparently gold) on which he engraved the record of his people, i.e., the people who would descend from this family who had gone beyond the "great waters," following Noah's example. "And when I had done this, I commanded my people how to deal with them after my death, and that these plates should be handed down from one generation to another, or from one prophet to another" (ch. 19:4). It is interesting that many of the stories in this book are intertwined with the events of the Old Testament, sometimes they are almost literally repeated. It is no accident that in the footnotes of the Book of Mormon there is a direct reference to places in the Old Testament. There are many detailed and extensive descriptions of prophecies, visions, their commentary through the mouths of the authors of books, explanations in the light of events that will occur in the future or have already happened. For example, Mormons defend the right to predict the discovery of America by Columbus (1 Ne. 13:12), the fate of the American Indians (1 Ne. 13:14), the Puritans who arrived on the continent, the war of independence against the aborigines, the impossibility of monarchical government on the continent (2 Ne. 10:10-14), and so on. The main part of the book, from Mosiah to Mormon, including chapter 7, is a translation of the abbreviated text of Mormon with the Nephi plate. The last part of the book, from chapter eight to the end of the volume, was engraved on the plates by Mormon's son Moroni, who first completed his father's life story and then shortened the record of Jared to call it the book of Ether. Later, he added portions that are known to us as the Book of Moroni. Moroni (also known as the heavenly messenger who rose from the dead), the last Nephite historian, sealed the book in the ground and hid it, and after his resurrection in 1827, pointed out to Adam Smith the location of the book for the founding of the new faith. As the followers themselves signify this fact: "This ancient record, as the voice of a people crying out of the dust, was taken out of the earth and, translated into modern language by the gift and power of God, and first appeared to the world in 1830." If we generalize and bring to a common denominator the dogmatic teaching of the Mormons, we will see that: they borrowed the idea of the reincarnation of souls from the Buddhists; among the pagans, the belief in a multitude of gods; among the Jews, theocratic government; among Baptists, baptism according to the faith of adults; among the Presbyterians, the custom of voting on all questions; Muslims have the rejection of alcoholic beverages and polygamous marriages at an early stage.
Divine service
Such worship is characteristic of many Protestant denominations. It is more like an Adventist ministry, because women also preach from the pulpit. Although in Ap. There is a command that a woman should be silent in the temple. However, the first part of the meeting begins with the hymn "The Lord is My Shepherd," then men and women enter the pulpit and address the Word of God to those present. More often, for the sake of fairness, it should be said that references to the text of the Holy Scriptures. There are far fewer scriptures than there are references to the Book of Mormon. In addition to this book, "Pearl Precious" and "The History of the Founding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" in several volumes are also revered among them. After the first sermon, the second one is heard. Then the anthem. A break is announced. Everyone prays sitting, slightly tilting their heads, which also distinguishes them from other sects. In the second part, all those present are invited to participate in the Lord's Supper. This is preceded by the elder's explanation: "The bread and wine (actually the bread and water) symbolize the body and blood of the Lord. We use these symbols in remembrance of His sacrifice for us and His resurrection. In communion, as in other rites, we make a covenant with God. We vow that we will always remember Christ and obey His commandments ("Restoring the Truth," Mormon Study Manual). Anyone can participate in this ritual without exception, even those who are in the congregation for the first time, which also distinguishes Mormons from other sectarian associations. Bread, broken into small pieces, is stacked on a metal tray, and water, also poured into small cups, fits on another (for sanitary and hygienic purposes, Mormons deny themselves to eat a common cup).
International Soul Institute "ATMA" (Great White Brotherhood)
We would not focus the reader's attention on "Atma" if it were one of the branches of the Buddhist religion, for then it would be the competence of another discipline, but the fact is that "Atma" in its doctrine pursues the idea of merging all world religions into a certain unity, referring to the fact that the "Hierarchy of Light" includes Krishna and its messengers on earth. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, Patanjali, Moses, Pythagoras, Plato, Leonardo da Vinci. Therefore, in their service, along with mantras and attributes of Krishnaism, Orthodox prayers and Christian symbolism are used - icons, crosses, incense, wearing a cassock, and so on. Krishnas (Sansk. Krishna - black) worship the god Vishnu. But before that, we will make a short excursion into the history of this religious movement in order to determine its origins. The roots of Krishnaism lie in Hinduism, one of the world religions, the most widespread in modern India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Burma. In turn, Hinduism received an impulse of doctrinal ideas from Brahmanism, where the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, the karmic state of man, through which he acquires a better rebirth, and ultimately comes to the Absolute, i.e. merging with God-Creator Brahma, since all living beings living on the planet are only his particles. Violation of the requirements of complete obedience to the brahmana (teacher) leads to unhappy rebirths. The very doctrine of Hinduism arose in the middle of the first millennium A.D. Hinduism took much from paganism (for example, the worship of sacred animals) and now represents a complex complex of religious and philosophical views and prescriptions. Hindus worship two gods – Vishnu and Shiva, and therefore Hinduism splits into two sects – Shaivism and Vaishnavism. The pantheon of Hinduism also includes Buddha as the tenth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu. All branches of Hinduism are characterized by a belief in the eternity and cyclical existence of the Universe, where the movement follows a descending line. Also characteristic is the belief in eternity and indestructibility of the soul making a pilgrimage (samsara). In accordance with the law of retribution (karma), which sanctifies the caste hierarchy of believers, there are four main goals in human life: dharma — the fulfillment of religious and social precepts; artha – i.e. benefit, or use of material values (if any) as charitable purposes; kama — the satisfaction of sensual passions and aspirations; moksha – liberation from the chain of rebirths.
On the Goals and Objectives of the Atma Sect
The "Great White Brotherhood", as they call themselves, appeared in Kiev in 1990 as another exotic sect. They consider themselves "initiated" and have a hierarchy corresponding to the structure of the sect. The great Initiate of the sect, Joann Swami (the patriarch) and Maria Devi (the high priest, who is also the "Mother of God") are at the head of the sect. The representatives, again according to their words, (and further according to the full interpretation of their teaching) of White Shambhala, who came into the world with the mission of Jesus Christ in order to leave the Last Testament of God to mankind and leave in three and a half years (1260 biblical days) will have to accept a martyr's death for the sins of all earthlings. They will be the last sacrifice of the Lord God for the redemption of the elect. The Last Testament (the New Teaching of USMALOS) will reveal to the humanity of the future all the concepts that will become the foundations of life in the Golden Age from the beginning of 1994. In its cosmic-spatial breadth, the Teaching of Life will give answers to all questions. These are the wings of humanity and the Path to Infinity, or the One Revelation brought to all ages by the great teachers. This teaching is formed by certain God-born monads, the two halves of the Heavenly Father: the Eternally Masculine Principle (Adam) and the Eternally Feminine Principle (Eve), the progenitress of all living things. These are the same John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary, the closest people to Jesus Christ. The community "Great White Brotherhood" transforms in itself the living church of Christ, the apostles and those close to him, working in the key of the Divine and Cosmic program "YUSMALOS", which is led by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself invisibly. This abbreviation is deciphered as follows: "YUS" - Joann Swami (aka John the Baptist, aka the Patriarch of the White Brotherhood, aka Yuri Krivonogov, the founder of the sect); "MA" - Mary the Virgin; "LOS" is the Planetary Logos, i.e. Jesus Christ. By the time of its ascension, on the Day of the Lord, the Eternal Triad will actually unite. "Yusmalos" will manifest on the last program day (the 1259th day before the beginning of the inclusion) will be transformed into the ascended White Hierarchy, performing the Lord's Judgment on the sinful half of humanity that has not accepted the teachings of the "Atma". In this case, the Lord Jesus Christ will be the Chief Judge. To the right of Him will then sit the Mother (among the sectarians she is already chosen – she is a 30-year-old woman, "initiated" in the Brotherhood), and to the left – John the Baptist (John Swami, aka Krivonogov). From the beginning of the existence of the Great White Brotherhood, the Mother of the World or the Rosa of the World (L. Andreev wrote about the Rose of the World, whose teachings were later debunked by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose) has been at the head of the Universal Hierarchy of Light of our planet. That is why she appeared in the age of degradation (Kali Yuga) to repeat the mission of Jesus Christ, uniting as Eve forever with her earthly companion Adam in spirit and body. The time lived corresponds to the last days of Atlantis, according to the Atma. The same wars, the same disorders in all spheres of human life, the same universal spiritual savagery. That is why, in these last days, God has revived the Great White Brotherhood to resist Satan and his dark forces that have entangled planet Earth. And so the White Hierarchy descended to Earth. For centuries the High Spirits have sacrificed themselves in order to keep the planet from destruction, constantly incarnating on earth in one or another great form. History repeats itself again, but this time in the last phase, for after their departure there will be no demon or sinner left. The forces of Light will triumph, because the white brothers of the "Atma" bear the burden of the earth. With the full conjunction of the Yusmalos Triad, there will be a change of formations and the transition of the planet to another cosmic dimension. By the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the entire incarnate Church of Christ will gather in the Great White Brotherhood "Atma" in Kiev (New Jerusalem) – 144 thousand in white robes, which they are already wearing, anticipating the future. The "golden remnant" of the planet Earth (its white half) will enter the formation of the Golden Age (satya-yuga) "into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as in heaven." This will happen after 1260 days from the birth of the Great Brotherhood in Kiev. Therefore, the saviors of mankind will become a Great Sacrifice in the name of Light, Love and Goodness of the future world. The main form of dissemination of the ideas of the brotherhood is sermons in the streets and underground passages, the sale of spiritual literature published by the community (they do not sell Bibles and New Testaments), the newspaper "Atma", according to them, is transcendental. The Brotherhood, which has existed since the earth itself has existed, has always sent into the world at the right moment one of its brethren, who has given mankind this or that religion, the highest knowledge, the highest wisdom. At the same time, the White Brotherhood, as is evident from what has already been said, has at all times united the Great Initiates. "Atma" in this era of evil and disorder is called upon to contribute: to the purification of religions from dogmatism, narrowness and falsification; the disclosure of the common main foundations of all world religions and their successive connections; their cooperation; their merging into the One Universal Religion; To gather 144,000 saints and one-third of humanity for a new world on a renewed earth. "Atma", translated from Sanskrit, means "soul". According to the sectarians, this language (Sanskrit) was the only spiritual language in the period from Adam to Noah. Proceeding from the fact that the soul is eternal, that the spirit and spiritual development are the basis of existence, the community, in this way, wishes to emphasize its connection with the "Vedas" ("Vedas" (Sanskrit - sacred knowledge). Indian religious literature of the late 2nd - early 1st millennium B.C. The Vedas consist of four collections: Rigveda - a collection of hymns of cosmological content; Samaveda - a collection of chants and ritual and ceremonial traditions; Yajurveda - a description of the rules of sacrifices; Atharvaveda - a collection of magical spells. gave rise to numerous literature around them, interpreting and commenting on them. Their interpreters were; Brahmans (Vedic practice), Aranyakas (interpreters of philosophical doctrines), Upanishads (interpreters of the essence of the universe). The Vedas gave blood and life to such religious and philosophical systems as Brahmanism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, in which the understanding of the eternal energy substance of man is revealed. Here is a verbatim excerpt from the text of the missionary leaflet with appeals to the population to join the sect: "Brothers and sisters! The sooner you become "White", the sooner you will be able to distinguish the animal mask of demons from true beauty. Your desire for Love is the strongest weapon against them! And, despite the fact that demons are already spreading ultrasonic and psychoenergetic weapons of mass destruction in our country, remember: "Atma" has the strongest protection against evil – the energy of the Lord! Soon you will learn about another, more terrible secret weapon of theirs, but do not be afraid of anything. Those who have been baptized by the high priests (!) of the Brotherhood already feel invisible help in everyday life and during sleep; Their faces were already brightened, and their eyes were cleansed of anxiety and anguish. Through certain channels, the Lord will give you additional help through the Atma... At present, television and some official press organs already encode the reader with the number "666" (the energy of newspapers restructures the reader's thinking and his field characteristics, or as they say, the biofield, to the dark beginning). This is a fact. And when Satan comes (in the middle of 1992), the newspapers and books of the White Brotherhood will be banned (On the Coming of Jesus Christ in 1992). and at Rotterford. and their followers repeatedly. Many more "prophets" have spoken of the same thing at all times, and these predictions often come through a variety of channels. They are often transmitted by mediums and mystics, psychics and astrologers, fortune-tellers on magic crystals and spiritualists, as well as people who have contact with UFOs. All of these sources are actually part of a single gigantic system of lies. "Of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father," says the Saviour (Mark 13:22). Communication between mediums and the other world, meetings with aliens from outer space, treatment by psychics and a global program of psychic coding of people at USMALOS are links in the same chain. This is nothing but a connection with the invisible world, with the same fallen angels. Often the predictions of the occultists and the "Atma" are similar even in expressions. Scientific and capacious in terms of information, but essentially empty terminology (in literary language - "spreading cranberries") from the beginning puzzles and attracts a person from the outside. Through mantras and further attendance at their meetings, coding takes place, and a person falls into a centrifugal rushing stream of dark spiritual forces, mystically and really joining their service to Satan). Hurry up to find out the truth! In our "Heavenly Book" the entire program of the Light Forces of the Cosmos is given. It is no accident that the "Apocalypse" ("Revelation of John the Theologian") is deciphered there. Remember, people, that next year all of humanity will be divided into two halves: "Black" and "White". May there be Light, Goodness, Love!"
The main program of the institute
Let us first turn to the First Epistle of Ap. Paul to Timothy: "And the Spirit plainly saith that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Tim. 3:1). The truth of the "Atma" does not attract. After all, it implies, first of all, obedience. It is much more interesting to communicate with fallen spirits, meditate, listen to the teachings of demons and be an "initiate", i.e. a generator for coding others. There are many points of contact between the doctrines of spiritualists and "Atma". See for yourself. Adherents of spiritualism, for example, believe that: communication with the dead is possible; man does not die and cannot die; a person can become like God or become God; there will be no trial; after death, everyone goes to one place, regardless of how life is lived; In the future life, everyone will have the opportunity to correct the mistakes made in the present. Almost all, to a greater or lesser extent, the doctrines of the Spiritualists find their expression in the teachings of the Atma, with slight reservations.
Polemics about the reincarnation of the soul
One of the most important points in the teaching of "Atma" is the teaching of the reincarnation of souls. In their opinion, the soul of man has many lives, and when it passes into the body of some beast, his body is animated by the transmigrated soul of man; In the case of a discrepancy between both souls (human and animal), the human soul feels the difficulty of the state and is deprived of freedom of action. Assuming that the soul of man, after transmigration into the body of an animal, lives with the memories of a past life, it seems strange to diminish it: why should it not live in the present, not even control the animal body and ennoble this animal? It must be remembered that the soul is a spirit that has its own proper mode of action, independent even of the body in which it dwells and which animates it. Why should this independent and rational spirit be subordinated to the instinctive and unconscious demands of the animal? Noticing the difference between both external and internal man from animals, plants, and other creatures, the simplest and most natural conclusion is that the soul of man is not like the soul of animals, even directly opposite to them. Not only European scientists, but also any Christian are convinced of this. If so, is it not strange that a beautiful human soul, inhabiting in the body of a man corresponding to its abilities and powers, can pass into the body of some ugly beast? Let it be so that the soul of a murderer turns into a tiger, a robber into a leopard, a thief into a fox, a fornicator into a dog. What will happen as a result? That all these murderers, robbers, thieves, gluttons, fornicators, instead of correcting their depraved and vile souls in the bodies of animals corresponding to them, will receive the widest scope for revelry and the satisfaction of unbridled passions and bestial inclinations. The souls of this kind of people will feel themselves in the truest and most proper form, and therefore they will not fail to take advantage of all the bliss of the bestial and bestial state. But such a teaching is extremely offensive not only to Christian morality, but even to the most well-intentioned and sensible pagans. It is obvious that the true teaching is that having created the soul in His image and likeness, the Lord prepared for it in the human organism a corresponding abode, surpassing in structure all other organisms of living beings in the world, and man appeared beautiful both in soul and in body.
The concept of morality is a relative category
The word "repentance" is not in the Bhagavad Gita (the holy book of the Krishnas, which is also revered by the followers of the Atma). However, with this difference, the teaching of the Atma states that the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita teach the same thing. Even so that Krishna, when necessary, can be more treacherous than any other mortal, and if it is necessary to deceive a person, no one can surpass him in this (BHG. 4, p. 520). Is Kṛṣṇa not deceiving by not demanding righteousness from people, but by promising secret knowledge in exchange for devotion? Does not the conclusion suggest itself here that the devil once promised the forefathers a similar thing in paradise? "Knowledge is puffed up," says the Apostle (1 Cor. 8:1). Turning to Prabhupada's educational works, one can draw the conclusion that "people waste their time by showing excessive attachment to their family, society, and country (4, p. 92), and one who has given up all attachments and embarks on this path no longer owes anything to anyone, for a devotee serving Krishna thereby fulfills all other duties and is above all material criticism" (4, p. 470). From now on, the disciple should only recite mantras many times a day. With such a way of life, the communicant plunges into a deep sensual trance, and he ceases to be concerned about everything around him in general. Prabhupada further explains: "Being in Krsna consciousness, the 'devotee' communicates directly with him and can understand all his instructions (4 p. 146), if Krishna wishes, the 'devotee' can perform any action, even if it is undesirable from the ordinary point of view (4 p. 158), and if there is an unwillingness to carry out a strict order, then this original state of the living entity is that he follows orders, coming "from above" (4, p. 303). It is no accident that Swami cites Arjuna, who does not want to kill his family members, as an instructive example, from which the latter concludes that relatives are an obstacle to Krishna consciousness. Then he follows the instructions of the teacher (4, p. 616), because the devotee is no longer responsible for his actions (4, p. 761), and he does not need to think about his past sinful actions, because Krishna takes full care of them (4, p. 588), and such a vision is real vision. If one can develop such a transcendental view, he is on the same platform as Kṛṣṇa. Dissociation from everything, the state of nirvana (a kind of non-existence) is the main goal of the initiates. "Only he who looks equally at happiness and misfortune (2, IV, 32), who does not rejoice, does not hate, who has abandoned good and bad (2, XIII, 17), who has abandoned his son, wife, house, etc., who does not feel pleasure in the company of people (2, XIII, 8-10), who remains indifferent and does not move, who has abandoned all understanding (2, XIV, 35), who cares little about such events as illness, need, and even the death of beloved relatives (p. 330), who affirmed in Brahmo (Krishna), that only he is worthy of immortality (1:11-15), he only enters into my being" (2, IV, 10). Thus, a person must become completely indifferent to his neighbors and to himself. The Apostle of Christ, for example, instructs if "someone is talking about his own; and especially for those at home, he does not care, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" (1 Tim. 5:8). The path of the White Brotherhood is the path of self-confidence and cold heartlessness, which turns a person into an insensitive mental apparatus, a coded bio-robot, the path of which is spiritual and moral suicide. It is no accident that we have touched upon the encoding of the sect's proselytes with mantras, the technique of sound vibration and the rhythm of percussion. This resembles mass psychosis. At the same time, mantras are interspersed with prayers and psalms, which are also chanted. Krishna Himself admits that His teaching produces the effect of poison on man (2, 18, 37), and therefore advises not to reveal the whole truth of the teaching at once to a person "who is not yet accustomed to setting himself earthly goals," but only gradually expanding these goals to lead him to "knowledge."
The food regime of the sect