«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»



How the greatest danger (temptation) should be avoided to get acquainted with a brother who lives negligently, but not to condemn him, no! Another reason for this:

nothing is so clingy as the weakness of a brother (St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)).

When the passions are agitated, the mind is darkened and confused before the enormity of temptation, thoughts attack with persistence and fury, then not only against fornicatory thoughts, but also against thoughts

anger, sorrow, despondency, despair, in a word, against all

sinful thoughts, the most reliable weapon is prayer with the participation of the body in it.

When the temptation is intensified (in prayer),

prayer and prostrations, this is most hateful to the enemy, if they do not pay attention to him (Elder Arsenius


If we are touched, weep and then exalted, then

this is a visible enemy temptation, and if we are touched and recognize our weakness and powerlessness without God, then such tenderness is pleasing to God (Elder Arsenius


If you get tired of the fears of demons, then you will already be

Do not worry. The body needs rest and

refreshment... Against Insurance The Best Prayer:

Glory, O Lord, to Thy honorable cross.

Praise should be considered a demonic temptation, and hearing

create an inner prayer.

It is one thing not to grieve and not to be angry at dishonors, reproaches, and temptations, and another thing is to endure
