publishers Growth Decrease in percentage growth compared to the previous year 2002 6 mil. 049K 2,8 % -- 2003 6 mil. 184K 2,2% by 0.6% 2004 6 mil. 308K 2,0% by 0.2% 2005 6 mil. 390 thousand 1,3% by 0.7%  

Interestingly, 15 countries in Europe have seen a steady decline in the number of publishers over the past few years. This is happening in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland. There is absolutely no growth in Hungary, Moldova and the UK. There is minimal growth in Italy, Spain and France.

For example, in Germany in 2003 there were 163,000 people, and in 2005 there were 162,500, although more than 7,000 people were baptized during these 2 years. The question arises: "Where did the 6.5 thousand go?" Take Italy, the most prosperous country for Jehovah's Witnesses in Western Europe. In 2003, 230 thousand people served there, in 2005 - 232 thousand. It seems to be an increase of 2 thousand people. But it is interesting that in 2 years about 10 thousand people were baptized. And here the question is: "Where did the 8 thousand go?" Interestingly, this proportion is maintained throughout the world, i.e., the greater the numerical increase, the greater the discrepancy between the number of publishers and the number of those baptized, in other words, the more publishers there are, the greater the number of "missing" baptized members, who seem to have sunk into obscurity. If you look at it in Italy, it turns out that 2 thousand were added, but 10 thousand were baptized, i.e. from simple arithmetic it follows that the increase should be a maximum of 10 thousand, but it was only 2 thousand. If we take into account natural deaths, then perhaps 2-3 thousand died, taking into account the age of the population of Jehovah's Witnesses in Italy. Then we will get a figure of 7-8 thousand growth, but it is only 2 thousand? This means that another 5-6 thousand people have left the organization in Italy over the past 2 years. 2-3 thousand a year. Nobody talks about it. And why. This will not strengthen faith or increase optimism in the ministry.

And now let's take our country. Here everything seems to be very well for Jehovah's Witnesses because Russia is almost the main percentage supplier in the world growth, after Mexico and Brazil. However, if we look at how things are in Russia, we can understand something.

So, in 2003, 127,000 publishers served in Russia, and in 2005 there were already 142,500. It turns out to be an increase of 15.5 thousand. During these 2 years, about 15.5 thousand were also baptized. An interesting fact that shows, based on my experience as an elder, that in Russia this ratio is as follows: the number of baptisms increases. But this is for the country as a whole. And here it should be said specifically: for example, in my congregation only 2 people were baptized in 2 years, and 15 people "left", were deprived of fellowship, or simply ceased to be publishers, disappeared from sight and stopped attending meetings. So judge what a height! Therefore, the growth is mainly due to new gatherings and new territories.

 In other countries, where the history of Jehovah's Witnesses goes back a hundred years or more, there is now an equally massive withdrawal from the organization, if not even greater. This will be confirmed if you look at the state of affairs around the world. For example, there has been a marked decline in publisher growth in Australia and Canada, as well as zero growth in Japan and the United States. This is very significant because these countries are the "flagships" of the Watch Tower Society throughout the world and in their respective regions.

Now let's turn our attention to the record holders in terms of numerical and percentage growth. Let's see how things are in another, perhaps the most prosperous country in the world (for Jehovah's Witnesses), in Brazil. In 203, there were 576,000 publishers, and in 2005 there were 609,000. It seems to be a tremendous increase of 33 thousand, but it is interesting that during these 2 years 61.5 thousand were baptized! Where are the other 28 thousand? Most likely, outside the Watchtower organization. They simply left it for various reasons (let's say again that perhaps only 3-4 thousand died). Of course, for 609k members, leaving 28k doesn't mean anything?! But this is 4.6% of the total number of all members, i.e. out of 100 people, 5 left. And if we consider that the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses consists of approximately 100 people, then it is clear that 5 people from each congregation left the organization in 2 years. By the way, according to my observations, this is exactly the indicator that is observed in Russia, in those collections that have existed for 10-15 years.

In the United States, the number of publishers is approaching 1 million. There, in 2 years, the increase was about 7 thousand publishers, but 59 thousand were baptized?! We see that 52 thousand (26 thousand per year) have disappeared. The "Bermuda Triangle" turns out to be strange. However, there is nothing strange if you look at everything judiciously. This is due to the system of transient and superficial Bible study practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses. It is carried out for a short period of time (2-6 months) from completely superficial books and pamphlets, which are not able to engender in the heart a strong personal faith in God, not to mention preparing a person to preach the good news of Christ. But, just the latter, is the main goal of such studies. That is why it turns out that a very large number of people who have been baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses, after many months of appropriate preparation, simply cease to believe in everything they have been taught. And when they stop believing, they stop being Jehovah's Witnesses, they don't preach, they stop going to meetings, and, unfortunately, they forget about God and his Word, the Bible. It seems that there is nothing to "disfellowship" them for (by the standards of Jehovah's Witnesses), but they do not bring interest to the increase, becoming "dead souls". For example, I have data on 25 such publishers (only from my congregation).

Therefore, for the reason mentioned above, in developed countries, primarily in intellectual and spiritual respects, Jehovah's Witnesses do not grow, since people quickly realize "where they have gone." Accordingly, they take adequate measures to cut off contact with the Watch Tower Society. However, in underdeveloped countries, or in countries with low culture and education, Jehovah's Witnesses have the opportunity to simply appear to be the only "representatives of Western culture," and not only in the sphere of religion, but in general. Therefore, there is tremendous growth in the countries of Africa and Latin America. In the countries of the former USSR, this growth is explained by the "blank spots" in religious education, which became visible after the collapse of the atheistic system of communism. However, the vacuum was quickly filled, and now this factor no longer works. The same can be said of the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Africa and Latin America, where the growth of the number of Jehovah's Witnesses has steadily decreased, stopped, or even begun to decline (for example, in Cuba and Puerto Rico).

These are the conclusions that can be reached by studying the statistics of their annual reports from the Watchtower magazine, so beloved by Jehovah's Witnesses.


Some conclusions

In connection with the above, the most important question of this article arises: since the doctrine of the "faithful slave" is not biblical and there can be no governing council for the entire Christian religion, then should Jehovah's Witnesses themselves, as a religious organization, decide to expel from the Organization all those who teach non-biblical teachings? That is, should not the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses be expelled from the congregation for apostasy and usurpation of authority that does not belong to them?  After all, it is an even greater sin that because of this teaching they plunged (there is no other word for it) Jehovah's Witnesses, as a religious organization, into real idolatry. In fact, the Witnesses do not even worship Jehovah, much less Jesus Christ, but "the faithful and discreet slave."