Consider such expressions: "Thus saith the slave," "As it is said in the writings of the slave," "We must see what the faithful slave says." These and similar expressions, which are well known to my brothers and sisters, are much more common than the usual Christian words: "as God says," "what does Christ say," "what does the Bible say?" Is this not the idolatry of the "creature" instead of the Creator? For example, each year, the "faithful slave" approves what is known as an "annual text"—a single verse from the Bible that is considered to be of particular relevance to Jehovah's Witnesses in the current year. He is, of course, "indicated" by Jehovah God. Now, Jehovah's Witnesses need only look at the yearly verse for this year, 2006: "We must submit to God as ruler, not to men." —Acts 5:29, and consider that they are actually being taught the opposite: "We are to submit to men (the faithful slave) as rulers, not to God." —All Watch Tower Publications. Such a text would more accurately reflect the current position of Jehovah's Witnesses at the moment.

I have tried to justify the falsity of some of the teachings of the "faithful slave" and his Governing Body, for which they should be expelled from the Christian congregation as well as apostates. This is what I call upon those elders in the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses who have not yet forgotten how to think and who are truly concerned about all this. A precedent is needed because all the numerous protests, legal and financial measures that are used in many countries have not been successful. It is possible that efforts are not being made where it is especially needed.

I want to explain this. Jehovah's Witnesses are actually very proud of the numerous trials that they have won around the world, but they do not say that this became possible not because of their rightness and integrity, but because of the democratization of human society as a whole, including in Russia. Therefore, it is possible to achieve something in this direction, but only purely for the sake of "ticking", but in reality it will only contribute to "the consolidation of ranks in response to the intrigues of the world's 'Babylon the Great' (as Jehovah's Witnesses call all Christian religions). In practice, in a democratic society, it is always possible to find "mechanisms" for continuing one's activities, even those that are forbidden, only with the halo of "heroic martyrdom." In general, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that if they are persecuted, it is proof that their religion is true, for Jesus Christ said: "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also." —John 15:20. From generation to generation, Jehovah's Witnesses have passed down these stories of unjust persecution (sometimes they did). And in their minds there is an idea of universal hatred towards them, which, in their opinion, reveals their opposition to the whole world, which lies in the power of the Evil One, i.e. Satan. All this unites their ranks, and envelops with an attractive halo all those who survived these persecutions (sometimes really terrible, suffice it to recall Nazi Germany). Thus, a kind of "folklore" is formed, and all these events have a romantic appeal. This is especially shocking for young people. Therefore, it is necessary to rid Jehovah's Witnesses of this delusion, and sometimes even a "trump card" in an argument with opponents. And this can be achieved not by prohibitions, humiliation, insults and ridicule, but by a calm and methodical explanation of biblical truths using television, the Internet, radio, newspapers and other media. In my opinion, this is the right direction in the opposition of society, and, above all, of Christians, to various religious trends built on human teachings (often disguised under the guise of pseudo-science).

However, it is clear that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, the shortest path to the goal is radical measures, and the more "straight" they are directed, the closer they "cut the roots", the more effective. Therefore, what global and comprehensive measures have failed to do, it may be possible to achieve with modest but precise efforts aimed at the right place. For this reason, the most effective way to combat the pseudo-biblical teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses should be a struggle organized by those within the Watchtower organization who do not want to put up with these very "teachings" and with all the facts described above. In ancient times, sometimes a literal watchtower could not be taken by storm, no matter how strong the attackers, but only if it was realized within this tower that resistance was useless became obvious and inevitable. And this is a good example if we understand that the "watchtower" of Jehovah's Witnesses is not the "tower" of a faithful watchman God, but rather a "tower" of one's own unfounded self-importance and the same stubbornness. It is symbolic, therefore, that the very founders of the Watch Tower Society, by adopting this name, indicated the ways to oppose it.

Specifically, it is necessary to justify the apostasy of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. A few teachings and facts will suffice. All of this must be justified in the form of a simple conclusion, after an investigation based on the Watchtower Publications (which is backed by the Governing Body). Then, an invitation should be sent to the members of the Governing Body. Meet with them (or, ascertain their ignorance of such an invitation). Hold a meeting of the legal committee and make a decision. This should be done by competent elders, active Jehovah's Witnesses, i.e., those in the "tower."

Of course, someone will say that this is easy to say, but not to do. In fact, it is easy to do. It is necessary to find only 3 elders who are ready not to succumb to pressure, and, for the time being, observe the conspiracy necessary in this situation. Representatives of Christian denominations in this case will be outside observers who will not allow the Governing Body to apply "punitive sanctions", since the case will be made public and their future fate, the fate of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and therefore the fate of the entire "faithful slave" will be at stake.

You can contact me through the editors. There you can also find out my email and my full name. By the way, I want to explain why I can't give my name openly. Firstly, then I would not be able to do anything because in 2 weeks I would be expelled from the meeting, and, secondly, I am a fairly sensible person and I have nowhere to hurry, perhaps God wants to use me in his own way.


Instead of a conclusion

I did not write all this with the aim of discrediting my dear people, which my brothers and sisters are to me. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses like they are. My whole life is completely dedicated to this organization.

But I can't live with a lie in my heart anymore. I can no longer deceive myself or others. I can no longer believe the non-biblical teachings of the Watch Tower Society. Perhaps something can be changed in the organization if the "faithful and discreet slave"—the top of the Organization that is leading us all to the collapse of faith—is held accountable for all these lies. I still hope that it will be possible to organize an open discussion of all the above problems in the press and in the Watchtower magazine. This will largely depend on Jehovah's Witnesses themselves. From their honesty, from their willingness to stop being silent and agree with everything that happens within the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.