Take a look at some of the characteristics of what is happening in the Watch Tower Society at the moment:

1. Mass errors and outright "blunders" in the teaching began (for example, that Jesus Christ is an angel of the abyss, although it is quite obvious that the angel of the abyss in the Bible means the Devil). They are inevitable for only one reason – there is no blessing from God.

2. There has been a sharp decrease in the growth rate of the number of members of the organization in recent years. It is also proof of the lack of God's blessing (according to Jehovah's Witnesses themselves).

3. the organization's outright dishonesty towards its followers, which manifested itself in such matters as secret membership in the UN, falsification of Bible translations in Russia. Therefore, it is unlikely that God blesses the dishonest followers of Jesus Christ, because he did not teach to deceive.

4. The growing practice of misinforming state structures about their activities, for example, in Russia, France and Bulgaria (in the latter country, this was manifested in the fraudulent way in 1998 Jehovah's Witnesses obtained state registration, deliberately misleading the authorities of this country by writing in the organization's Charter that they would not prevent their members from receiving blood transfusions). God does not approve of those who do not give due respect to the higher (i.e., state) authorities.

These are just a few of the points that have been touched upon or mentioned in this article. Others can be indicated. But is this the goal? For then the question arises: "Should we as Christians only look at what is happening, be silent observers, noting the facts, or should we do everything in our power to stop the spread of these lies that pretend to be biblical truth from within?"

If this does not happen, then there will be only one way out, and that is to do as God's Word urges: "Come out of her, my people, that we may not be partakers of her sins, and be subjected to her plagues." —Revelation 18:4. 

1 It should be noted here that during these 3 days, the listed 5 meetings are held, which are combined, and follow, for example, on Tuesday and Sunday one after the other, in the order indicated in the paragraph. If you sum up the total number of meetings held per week, then you will get the figure of 5. A complex and very tense scheme of the so-called "theocratic activity" - Author.


