The Book of Judith (Deuterocanon.)

12 And they clothed the altar with sackcloth, and with diligence and with one accord cried unto the God of Israel, that he should not give up their children to plunder, or their wives to be plundered, or their cities of inheritance to be destroyed, and their holy things to be defiled and defiled.

13 And the Lord heard their voice, and looked upon their affliction; and in all Judea and Jerusalem the people fasted many days before the sanctuary of the Lord Almighty.

14 And Jehoiakim the high priest, and all the priests who were standing before the Lord, his servants, girded their loins with sackcloth, and offered unceasing burnt offerings, vows, and gifts of the people.

15 And there were ashes on their kedars, and they cried out to the Lord with all their might, that he might visit all the house of Israel with mercy.


1 And it was made known to Holofernes, the captain of the army of Assyria, that the children of Israel had prepared for war, that they had laid up the entrances to the hill country, and had fortified with walls every top of the high mountain, and had made barriers in the plains.

2 And he was very angry, and having called all the rulers of Moab, and the chieftains of Ammon, and all the governors of the country by the sea, he said to them,

3 Tell me, O children of Canaan, what kind of people are they that dwell in the hill country, what are the cities they inhabit, and how many armies they have, what is their strength and strength, who is set over them as king, the captain of their army,

4 And why do they persist more than anyone else in the West to come out to meet me?

5 And Achior, the captain of all the children of Ammon, said unto him, Hearken, my lord, to the word of thy servant's mouth; I will tell you the truth about this people who dwell near you in this hill country, and no lie will come out of the mouth of your servant.

6 This people is descended from the Chaldeans.

7 And they dwelt in Mesopotamia before, because they would not serve the gods of their fathers, which were in the land of the Chaldeans,

8 And they turned away from the way of their fathers, and began to worship the God of heaven, the God whom they had come to know. and the Chaldeans drove them out from before their gods, and they fled to Mesopotamia, and dwelt there a long time.

9 But their God said that they should go out of the place of exile and go to the land of Canaan; they settled there and were greatly enriched in gold, silver and a multitude of cattle.