The Book of Esther

13 But all these things are not sufficient for me, as long as I see Mordecai the Judean sitting at the king's gate.

14 And Zeresh, his wife, and all his friends, said to him, 'Let them prepare a tree fifty cubits high, and in the morning tell the king to hang Mordecai on it, and then go merrily to the feast with the king.' And Haman liked the word, and he prepared the tree.


1 That night the Lord took sleep away from the king, and he commanded [the servant] to bring a book of the day's records; And they read them before the king;

2 And it is found recorded there, as Mordecai reported to Gibatha and Terah, the two royal eunuchs who guarded the threshold, who plotted to lay a hand on king Ahasuerus.

3 And the king said, What honor and distinction is given to Mordecai because of this? And the king's servants who served under him said, "Nothing has been done to him."

4 And when the king was inquiring about the good of Mordecai, Haman came into the court, and the king said, Who is in the court? And Haman came to the outer court of the king's house to speak to the king, that Mordecai might be hanged on the tree which he had prepared for him.

5 And the young men said to the king, 'Behold, Haman is standing in the courtyard.' And the king said, Let him come in.

6 And Haman went in. And the king said to him, What should the man whom the king wants to distinguish with honor? Haman thought in his heart, "Who else will the king want to honor but me?

7 And Haman said to the king, "To the man whom the king will distinguish with honor,

8 And they shall bring the royal garment in which the king is clothed, and they shall bring the horse on which the king rides, and they shall put the royal crown upon his head,

9 And they shall give the garment and the horse into the hand of one of the chief princes of the king, and they shall clothe the man whom the king will distinguish with honor, and bring him out on horseback into the city square, and proclaim before him, 'This is done to the man whom the king wants to distinguish with honor.'

10 And the king said to Haman, Take immediately the garment and the horse, as you have said, and do it to Mordecai the Judean, who sits at the king's gate. omit nothing from all that you have said.

11 And Haman took the garment and the horse, and clothed Mordecai, and brought him out on horseback into the city square, and said before him, 'This is done to the man whom the king wants to distinguish with honor.'