The Book of Job

1 And because of this my heart trembles, and is moved from its place.

2 Listen, hear his voice, and the thunder that proceeds out of his mouth.

3 Under all the heavens is its peal, and its splendor is to the ends of the earth.

4 Behind him a voice thunders; He thunders with the voice of His majesty, and does not stop it when His voice is heard.

5 God thundereth wonderfully with his voice, and doeth great works, which are incomprehensible to us.

6 For to the snow he saith, Be thou on the earth; equally fine rain and great rain are in His power.

7 He puts a seal on the hand of every man, that all men may know his work.

8 Then the beast goes to his hiding place and stays in his dens.

9 A storm comes from the south, and frost from the north.

10 From the breath of God comes ice, and the surface of the water shrinks.

11 And he filleth the clouds with moisture, and the clouds pour out his light;

12 and they are directed according to his purpose, to do what he shall command them upon the face of the inhabited earth.

13 He commands them to go either for chastisement, or for favor, or for mercy.

14 Take heed to this, Job; stand still and understand the wondrous works of God.

15 Do you know how God disposes of them, and commands the light to shine out of his cloud?

16 Do you understand the equilibrium of the clouds, the marvellous work of the Most Perfect in knowledge?

17 How does your garment get hot when He calms the earth from the south?

18 Hast thou stretched out with him the heavens, hard as a molten mirror?

E-19 Teach us what to say to Him? In this darkness we cannot understand anything.

20 Shall it be known unto him that I say? Did anyone say that what was said was heard by Him?

21 Now there is no bright light in the clouds, but the wind will blow and clear them.