The Book of Job

15 Do you know how God disposes of them, and commands the light to shine out of his cloud?

16 Do you understand the equilibrium of the clouds, the marvellous work of the Most Perfect in knowledge?

17 How does your garment get hot when He calms the earth from the south?

18 Hast thou stretched out with him the heavens, hard as a molten mirror?

E-19 Teach us what to say to Him? In this darkness we cannot understand anything.

20 Shall it be known unto him that I say? Did anyone say that what was said was heard by Him?

21 Now there is no bright light in the clouds, but the wind will blow and clear them.

22 Bright weather comes from the north, and there is a terrible splendor around God.

23 Almighty! we do not comprehend Him. He is great in power, judgment and the fullness of justice. It does not oppress anyone.

24 Therefore let men revere him, and let all the wise in heart tremble before him.


1 And the Lord answered Job out of the storm, saying,

2 Who is this that darkens Providence with words without meaning?

3 Thou shalt now gird up thy loins as a man: I will inquire of thee, and thou shalt explain unto me:

4 Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you know.

5 Who has measured it, if you know? Or who stretched the rope along it?

6 On what are its foundations established, or who laid its cornerstone,

7 With the general rejoicing of the morning stars, when all the sons of God shouted for joy?

8 Who shut the sea with gates, when it was poured out, came out as it were out of the womb,

9 When I made the clouds his garment, and the darkness his swaddling clothes,

10 And he confirmed my decree unto him, and set up bars and gates,