The Book of Ecclesiastes or the Preacher

4 And the doors of the street shall be shut; when the sound of the millstone is silenced, and a man rises at the crowing of the rooster, and the daughters of singing are silenced;

5 And the high places shall be fearful to them, and terrors on the way; and the almond will bloom, and the grasshopper will become heavy, and the caper will crumble. For a man departs to his eternal home, and mourners are ready to surround him in the street; -

6 Until the cord of silver was broken, and the bandage of gold was broken, and the pitcher was broken at the fountain, and the wheel over the well was broken.

7 And the dust shall return to the earth, as it was; and the spirit returned to God, who gave it.

8 Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, all is vanity!

9 In addition to being wise, Ecclesiastes also taught the people knowledge. He tested everything, examined everything, and composed many parables.

10 Ecclesiastes tried to find elegant sayings, and the words of truth were written by him correctly.

11 The words of the wise are like needles, and like nails, and the compilers of them are from one shepherd.

12 And what is more than all this, my son, beware: to compile many books there will be no end, and to read much is weary to the body.

13 Let us hear the essence of all things: Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is all for man.

14 For God will bring every work into judgment, and every secret thing, whether it be good or bad.