Lessons of the Law of God for Children

Plan. Review of the previous lesson. The concept of icons. God's creation of the world. God's omnipotence and His eternity; clarification of the last concept. God's Providence. Moral conclusion. Z. Let us remember, children, last time we talked about whom? U. About God. H. Who is God? D. God is Spirit. H. Who is called the Spirit? U. Who lives without a body. H. Is it possible to see God? U. It is impossible. H. We do not see God, so we call Him[1] which one? U. Invisible. H. And who is depicted on the icon? U. God. H. We have never seen God, can we draw Him? U. No, we can't. H. If no one saw God, then it would be impossible to draw Him. There were people who had seen God. God then took on human form. People saw God and then began to paint Him on icons. What is an icon? U. God is painted on it. H. These words can be said in short: the icon is the image of God. Stand up, all of you, and remember this. The invisible God appeared to people, so then what was He made? U. Visible. H. Did God remain visible forever or was He only visible for a time? U. Only for a while. H. What is it called visible? U. What do we see? But now we do not see fields, meadows, forests... Is it all visible or invisible? U. Visible. Z. Yes, all this is also visible, because although we do not see them now, but if we go to the field, to the forest... then we will see them. Now we will remember this: everything that can be seen is called the visible world. The last position is memorized in chorus. Tell me, what do we see here? U. Desks, blackboard, table... Z. And on the street? U. Houses, fences... Z. In the forest? U. Trees. H. And if we look up? U. Sky, sun, moon, stars. H. Where did the desks, the table, and the houses come from? U. They were made by people. H. Can something be done by itself? For example, can a shirt make itself? U. No. It was sewn by people. H. Could people make the sun, the moon?... U. No, people can't do that. H. People cannot do everything. Could the sun, the moon... to do it yourself? U. No, nothing is done by itself. H. The sun, the stars... They could not do it themselves, people could not make them either, and do you not know who is higher than people? U. God. H. Yes, God is more than anything in the world, He did everything: the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the river... for He alone can do all things. He can do everything and is therefore called omnipotent. Remember well: God can do everything and therefore is called almighty. After memorizing the last point, a repetition of what has been learned is done. We have learned that God is essentially one; He is the invisible Spirit, omnipotent. We have said that desks, blackboards, tables... Who did it? U. People. H. Who came first: the desks or the people who made the desks? U. There used to be people. H. The sun, the moon... God did. Who was before: the sky, the sun... or God? U. God was before. H. Yes, God was first of all. There was no time when God did not exist: God always existed. There was no heaven, no earth, no people, but only one God. Everything we see has a beginning, but does God have a beginning? U. No, God had no beginning. H. Will everything we see remain forever? For example, will our clothes remain the same forever? U. Our clothes will wear out. Z. And desks?... U. They will break. H. And we, people, will always live on earth? U. No, we're going to die. H. Everything visible has an end, but God has no end: He will never die! And what else does God not have? U. Beginnings. H. God has no beginning and no end. Arise, all of you, and repeat after me: He who has neither beginning nor end is called eternal. God has no beginning and no end, so what is He called? U. Eternal. H. Who is called eternal? U. Who doesn't... H. What have we learned about God today? God is an omnipotent, eternal Spirit. H. Who is called the Almighty? U. Who can do everything. H. Who has done everything in the world? U. God. H. When we make a thing, whose thing will it be? U. Ours. H. God made all the world, so whose is everything in the world? U. God's. H. We do not take our own, but God's, who gives us everything? U. God. H. Everything we need is given to us by God. He cares for us[3], loves us. Therefore, we also need to love God, obey Him, and always do what He commands. When working with children, the use of pronouns is inconvenient and therefore should be avoided. In the proposed notes, pronouns are used for the sake of brevity, but in the lessons they should be replaced by nouns.^ The term created is clarified in the 9th lesson^ Standing up of the whole class is used when memorizing the main points and when answering in chorus, to arouse the attention of students. For this purpose, at the beginning of classes, an exercise is made in the simultaneous straight standing up of the whole class. The use of the whole class standing up will not be indicated during the lessons, since it depends entirely on the mood of the students, and the teacher of the law can see for himself when it is needed.^ The term God's Providence is better explained in the third part.^

Lesson 3. The Necessity of Prayer, the Concept of Prayer. Explanation of the prayer "Lord, bless"

Methodical Instructions and Lesson Notes on the Law of God

Lesson 3 is short both in content and volume. This is done so that the information from the first two lessons is thoroughly repeated in the third lesson, and so that this information is more firmly assimilated by the students. Plan. Review of what has been learned. The belonging of all created things to God. The need for people to turn to God; the form of this address and its name. Moral conclusion. H. You, children, have you heard that whose is everything in the world? U. God's. H. God has done everything, but there is nothing of ours. However, we take what we need. Is it possible to take someone else's without asking? U. It is impossible. H. And when we want to borrow something that is not ours, what do we do? U. Ask the owner. H. What do we say to the owner? U. We say, "Give us or let us take your thing." H. Everything in the world is God's, then, to whom should we say in every matter? U. God. H. Everything in the world is God's, and therefore in every matter we must say to God, let me. Only to God we say differently - bless. How do we speak to God? U. Bless. H. Do you not know how we call God in another way? U. By the Lord. H. That is why we say: Lord, bless. Our words to people are called conversation, and our words to God are called prayer. What are our words to God called? U. Prayer. H. What is prayer? U. Our words to God. H. To whom do we say, "Lord, bless"? U. God. H. How should these words be called? U. Prayer. Before starting any work, we must certainly ask for God's blessing, because everything in the world of God, we must say the prayer: "Lord, bless." Never forget this, children, and God will help you in your affairs. You have heard that we usually say "allow," and in prayer we say "bless." We speak Russian among ourselves, and in prayers we speak Slavonic. We will also learn other prayers in Slavonic. In church, they read and sing in Slavonic.

Lesson 4. Attributes of God: omnipresent, omniscience, wisdom and goodness

Methodical Instructions and Lesson Notes on the Law of God

Plan. Review of the first three lessons briefly; We do something where we are. God has done everything - He is everywhere; the term "omnipresent". We know what we have seen, where we have been. God is everywhere - He knows everything - "omniscience". He does everything well - smart. God created the beautiful world - He is all-wise. God gives people everything - He is good. H. You and I know that God is essentially one; He is the Spirit, incorporeal, invisible, omnipotent, eternal. He made the whole world. Wherefore what is He called? U. Almighty. H. God has always been and will never die, so what is He called? U. Eternal. H. Everything in the world is God's, so what should we do before starting any work? U. Pray to God. H. Everything and everywhere in the world was done by God. Tell me, children, what did you do at home in the morning? U. Dressed, washed... H. What are you doing now? U. We are learning. Can you dress, wash and walk at home now?... U. No, we can't, because we are not at home now. H. Then we can do anything only where we are. God made everything everywhere, so where is He? U. Everywhere. H. Yes, God has done everything in heaven and on earth, which means that He is, or, in other words, exists everywhere. God exists everywhere, can you not guess how He should be called? U. Omnipresent. H. Yes, omnipresent or omnipresent. Let us repeat this word. Now tell me, why is God called omnipresent? D. Because He is everywhere. H. You, children, are now sitting in the school; Do you know what is here? U. We know. H. Do you know what there is in places where you have never been? U. No, we don't. H. Yes, where we have not been, we do not know those places, but we know only what we see or have seen before. Do we just know? U. What we see or what we have seen. H. We can see all the places where we are. If we sit in the school, we see everything that is in the school; if we go into the field, we will see all that is in the field; Where we are, we will see those places. And what we see, we know. Where is God? U. Everywhere. H. Then God sees and knows one thing? U. No, God knows everything. H. God knows all things, so what is He to be called? U. Omniscient. Z. Omniscient or in other words, omniscient. "I know" is said differently: I know; "omniscient" is otherwise said omniscient. Why is God called omniscient? We said that God sees and knows everything, so is there anything that can be done quietly from God? U. No, God knows everything, He'll see everything. H. Who did everything in the world? U. God. H. God did everything and did everything well. The sun shines well, trees and grass grow well... Everything we look at, God has done everything in the world well. Do you not know what is called the one who knows a lot, who can do a lot? U. Smart. H. Such a person who knows a lot, knows how to do many good things, is called smart or wise. God knows everything, He made everything in the world, so we call Him the smartest, the wisest, or, in other words, the wisest. What does it mean to be wise? U. The smartest. H. Whom do we call wise? U. God. Why do we call Him all-wise? U. He knows everything and has done everything well in the world. H. God did everything, so whose is everything in the world? U. God's. H. Who gives us everything we need? U. God. H. Why does He give to us? U. For free. H. And to whom is it given freely: whom is loved or whom is not loved? U. Who is loved. H. God loves us and gives us everything we need, and gives us everything for free. Will the miser give anything for nothing? U. It won't give anything. H. God gives all things freely because He is very kind. "Very kind" is also said to be "very good". Students memorize the last word in chorus. What does it mean to be all-good? U. Very kind. H. Now we have learned that God exists everywhere, and therefore what is He called? He knows everything... In what way, how else? God did everything well, - what is it called? He gives us everything freely, so what is He called? Let us repeat all that we have said about God. God is essentially one, He is an incorporeal, invisible, omnipotent, eternal, omniscient, all-wise and all-good Spirit. The names of God's attributes are not memorized by students in order, since this memorization is both unattainable and aimless. Moral conclusions were made in the course of the lesson, and therefore they are no longer made.

Lesson 5. The sign of the cross, the signing, the meaning of the latter as a symbolic representation of the dogma of the Holy Trinity

Methodical Instructions and Lesson Notes on the Law of God

Plan. Review of what has been learned. Indications of the correct depiction of the sign of the cross and correction of inaccuracies. Three-finger addition; the meaning of a single folding of the fingers. The Trinity of God. the names of the persons of the deity; Their equality. The concept of the Holy Trinity. Moral Application. H. When we pray to God, we look at the icons. Do we not do something with our hands? U. We are baptized. H. Stand up, look at the icon and cross yourself. I see that many of you are in a hurry and make the wrong sign of the cross. See how you need to make a cross on yourself. At the same time, the teacher of the law correctly and earnestly makes the sign of the cross on himself. Where do I put my hand first? U. On the forehead. H. Then where? U. On the stomach. H. Then on what shoulder? U. To the right, and then to the left. H. For the sign of the cross, we put our hand: on the forehead, on the stomach, on the right and on the left shoulder. If we pass our hand from the forehead to the stomach, and from one shoulder to the other, we will get a cross. Look how I will do it on myself, and let one of you draw a cross on the blackboard. Always, children, make a cross on yourself without haste. Let's cross ourselves all together. Now tell me, children, what do you make a cross: with all your fingers or not? U. With three fingers. H. See how you should fold your fingers. How are my fingers folded? U. Together. H. You need to put three fingers together, in one fold. Who exists only one in the world? U. God. H. When we put three fingers together in one fold, we show that we are praying to the same God. What do we show when we put three fingers together in one fold? U. That we pray to God alone. This question should be answered by as many students as possible. But we could make the sign of the cross with one finger for this, and we cross ourselves with three and put them together in one fold. Listen carefully, I will tell you now why we cross ourselves not with one finger, but put three fingers together. Remember well: God is one, but in three Persons. The last truth is repeated by the disciples in chorus and alone. It is impossible to explain it by comparisons in elementary school. Can you not now guess why we do not pray with one finger, but put three fingers together in one fold? Children usually give the correct answer to this question. Otherwise, the teacher of the law will have to draw the necessary conclusion himself. God is one, but in three Persons. The first person is God the Father. Who is the First Person? U. God the Father. H. The second is God the Son. Who is the Second Person? U. God the Son. H. First who? U. God the Father. H. Second? The third person is God the Holy Spirit[1]. After that, it is necessary to give in order and in breakdown a few questions about the names of the Persons of the Holy Trinity. We have learned that God is one, but in three Persons. Does God have the same Faces as men? Students usually answer: "The same", i.e. like people, so you have to make a conclusion on the basis of the truths already known to children from previous lessons. Does God have a body? U. No. He lives without a body. H. Then does He have the same Faces as men? U. No, not like that. H. God's Persons are incorporeal. All three Persons together are called the Holy Trinity. What is the Holy Trinity? Now let's repeat what we talked about today. When we pray, what do we do on ourselves? What do we do the cross with? With which hand? Is it with the whole hand? How do we fold our fingers? What do we denote with one addition? What do three fingers mean? What are the faces of God? What are They called together? Are the Faces of the Holy Trinity similar to human faces? When we pray, we make a cross on the body with our right hand. Put three fingers together, put them on the forehead, on the stomach, on the right and on the left shoulder. The three fingers signify the three Persons of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And putting the fingers together means that God is essentially one. We pray to one God in three Persons. The concept of the saint remains unclear, due to the particular difficulty of understanding it, until the 9th lesson.^

Lesson 6. Equality of the Persons of the Holy Trinity. Teaching the prayer "In the name of the Father..."

Methodical Instructions and Lesson Notes on the Law of God

Plan. Equality of finger folding for the sign of the cross; its meaning as a symbol of the equality of the Persons of the Holy Trinity. Our dependence on God. The Necessity of Prayer. The first prayer is "Lord, bless". Our duty is to do only good; our promise to do it. Derivation of the prayer "In the name of the Father...", its explanation, study. Moral Application. H. We pray to one God in three Persons. To do this, we add how many fingers to one fold? U. Three. H. With these three fingers we make a cross on ourselves. Why do we make the cross, I will tell you later, but now I will ask you: what are the names of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity? D. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. H. Look at the folded fingers: which of them is placed higher or lower? U. All fingers are folded equally. H. All fingers are folded equally. By this we mean that all three Persons of the Holy Trinity are equal. What do we mean when we add three fingers equally? U. That all three Persons of the Holy Trinity are equal. H. None of them is older or younger, neither more nor less, but God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are equal among themselves. Therefore, children, when you pray, put all three fingers together equally. Do you already know that everyone in the world is whose? U. God's. H. Therefore, before starting any business, from whom do we ask permission? U. At God's. H. What are the names of our words to God? U. Prayer. H. What prayer should be said before the beginning of any work? U. "Lord, bless." H. Bless - how to put it differently? U. Allow me. H. If we ask permission from the father or the mother, will they allow us to do something bad, such as beating a brother or sister? U. They won't allow it. H. Father and mother tell us to do only something necessary, good. And God commands us even more to do only one good thing. If we always do one good thing, are we scolded or praised? U. Praised. H. And our father and mother are scolded or praised for our good deeds? U. Also praised. Z. Yes, people will say, Ivan or Peter have smart children, apparently, he is a good man himself. People will call a person by name and praise him. How do people talk about someone when they see good children? U. They will call a person by name and praise him. H. There are many people on the whole earth, but God is one. All people are children, and who is their father? U. God. H. Yes, the father of all men is God. If we always do one good thing, then people will praise both us and the name of God. Therefore, everything must be done in such a way that people praise the name of God, or, in other words, to praise the name of God. You know that God exists in three Persons, name them. D. God the Father... H. Yes, we are to do all things for the praise of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. "For praise" is also spoken in a different way in the name. Everything must be done for praise or in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Is that correct? U. That's right. H. Instead of the word "true," prayers say amen. What does Amen mean? U. That's right. H. Everything must be done in such a way that all people see our good deeds and praise the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Good people always say the prayer "Lord, bless" before starting an action, and then the prayer: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Amen. Now we will memorize this prayer. Memorization is carried out first by the choir, and then individually by the students. In choral memorization, it is useful to resort to singing prayers, at least in one tone. This technique excites the attention of students, makes the lesson more lively and thus contributes to its fruitfulness. After memorization, it is helpful to repeat the explanation of the prayer again. What does it mean in the name? For what do we do people praise the name of God? What does Amen mean? What deeds do we promise to do when we read the prayer: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit? Why do we promise to do good deeds? How does the prayer say this? Do not forget, children, that everything in the world is God's. Without God's blessing, nothing can be done, but God commands us to do good deeds. Therefore, before starting any work, we will say: "Lord, bless. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Lesson 7. Teaching the prayers "Glory to Thee, O our God, glory to Thee", "Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit"