Gospel story

Мк. 15, 2-5;

Лк. 23, 2-5;

Ин. 18, 28-38.

Было утро, когда привели Господа к Пилату. Приведшие Его не вошли в преторию, чтобы не оскверниться, но чтобы можно было есть пасху.

Пилат вышел к ним и сказал: в чем обвиняете вы человека сего? Они сказали ему в ответ: если бы Он не был злодей, мы не предали бы Его тебе. Пилат сказал им: возьмите Его вы и по закону вашему судите Его. Иудеи сказали ему: нам не позволено предавать смерти никого; да сбудется слово Иисусово, которое сказал Он, давая разуметь, какою смертию Он умрет. И начали обвинять Его, говоря: мы нашли, что Он развращает народ наш и запрещает давать подать кесарю, называя Себя Христом Царем.

Тогда Пилат опять вошел в преторию и призвал Господа Иисуса.

Пилат сказал Ему: итак, Ты Царь? Ответствуя ему, Господь Иисус сказал: ты правду говоришь, что Я Царь. Я на то родился и на то пришел в мир, чтобы свидетельствовать об истине. Всякий, кто от истины, слушает гласа Моего.

Pilate said to Him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to the chief priests and the people, I find no fault in him; I do not find anything guilty in this man. Then the chief priests began to accuse the Lord of many things. But when these chief priests and the elders with them accused Him, He answered nothing.

Then Pilate said to Him, "You answer nothing!" Do you not hear how many testify against you? Do you see how many accusations there are against You? But the Lord did not answer him a single word, so that the governor Pilate was greatly amazed.

They, meanwhile, insisted, saying that He was stirring up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, from Galilee to this place. And when Pilate heard of Galileo, he asked, "Is he a Galilean?" And when he knew that he was from the province of Herod, he sent him to Herod, who was also in Jerusalem in those days.

222. The Passions of the Lord: The Lord Jesus in Herod

Lux. 23, 8-12.

Herod, seeing the Lord Jesus, rejoiced greatly; for I had long desired to see Him, because I had heard much about Him and hoped to see some miracle from Him. And he asked him many questions, but he answered him nothing. And the chief priests and scribes stood and accused Him mightily. But Herod and his soldiers, having despised Him and mocked Him, dressed Him in bright clothes and sent Him back to Pilate. And on that day Pilate and Herod became friends with each other, for they had formerly been at enmity with one another.

223. Pilate's Unsuccessful Efforts to Release the Lord