Gospel story

The Lord's hidden life took place in Galilee in Nazareth, but its deeds remained unknown. What is known from the early years of the Lord's incarnate sojourn on earth took place in Jerusalem and in Judea; in Galilee there was only the Annunciation.

Likewise, the Lord's manifestation of Himself to the world, and His first actions in this order, took place primarily in Jerusalem and Judea; in Galilee there was only the miracle at Cana and the Lord's brief sojourn in Capernaum before the first Passover.

The Lord's return from Judea to Galilee through Samaria constitutes a transition to the second part of the Gospel story.

Now let's review everything piece by piece.

Let us first of all single out three prefaces, or introductions, to the Gospel story.

The first is given by the Evangelist Luke in the first verses of his Gospel. This is a historiographical introduction. In his presence, anyone who wishes can bring to mind all the arguments about the authenticity of the Gospels and, if you like, all the disputes about it.

The second is given by the genealogies of the God-Man, transmitted by the Evangelist Matthew and the Evangelist Luke. This is an introduction to the Gospel story, historical, everyday. The genealogies bring to mind all the prophecies and types that foretold and foreshadowed the appearance on earth of God incarnate for our salvation; and lead into the contemplation of the New Testament Gospel in the Old Testament. When, having reached the end of the genealogy of the Evangelist Luke, we read: God, we cannot but bring to mind the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, and not think that the mystery of the incarnate economy lay at the foundation of the universe, especially since the end of the world is determined by the achievement of its goals.

The third is given by the Evangelist John the Theologian in his divinely enlightened view of the mystery of the incarnate economy. This introduction to the Gospel story is dogmatic. Here is the seed of all Christian theology.

All of them have a special place in front, as befits introductions or prefaces.

The Hidden Life of the Lord the Savior

The events that took place here are established in their own order, as has already been noted, by their own nature and by the indications of the legends. It remains only to retell them.

The beginning of the Gospel events is laid by the Archangel's announcement to the righteous Zachariah the priest of the birth of the Forerunner of the Lord, John, who, after this, is conceived.

Six months after this, the same Archangel announced to the Most-Pure Virgin Mary the birth of the Son of God and God from Her.

The rejoicing Holy Virgin hastens to share this joy with Her kinswoman, the eldress Elizabeth, the matter of the Forerunner, who is the first to confess Her to be the Mother of God. From here the Virgin Mother of God returns to Her home after three months.