Flower Words of Advice

This book is a collection of spiritual instructions and advice of Elder Porphyrios Kavsokalyvitos (1906-4991), one of the most famous ascetics among the famous Athonite elders of the second half of the 20th century.

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Flower Words of Advice


We express our warm gratitude to the esteemed Mr. Konstantinos Karakoli, Doctor of Theology, who brought to life his wonderful creative plan – on the basis of various books and periodicals about Father Porphyrios, to compile a collection of spiritual instructions and advice of the Elder. The author kindly presented his work to our hesychastirion [1].

Of course, it will be useful for any Christian to have at his disposal a collection of divinely wise instructions by Father Porphyrius, in which, thanks to the grouping by topic, each issue receives a comprehensive elucidation. Continual in-depth study of spiritual matters is necessary for believers to attain spiritual maturity and perfection. By rereading the book for the second and third time, we deepen our understanding of the text. Therefore, the fact that someone has already read some of the books on which this collection is based does not mean that acquaintance with it will be superfluous. On the contrary, a careful reading of this book will be of great benefit, because the reader will be able to compare the various advice and instructions of Father Porphyrius on each specific issue, thus seeing it in a comprehensive light. The deeper we delve into one issue, the better we begin to understand others. Thus, a correct understanding of true humility leads to a correct understanding of true love, peace of heart, forgiveness of others, and so on.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish that this book will help many Orthodox Christians in their spiritual life, in acquiring spiritual insight, and we ask readers not to forget us in their prayers.

Sacred Women's Hesychastrenrion of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Milesi, August 5, 2002

From the compiler

A few words about the book that you are now holding in your hands. I will try to speak simply and openly, and I will begin with my first meeting with Father Porphyrios.

I met the Elder after Pascha in 1980. When I first saw him, he was resting on his modest bed in a simple cement-block cell at Milesi in Attica. It was noticeable that he had just recovered from a serious illness, so he could hardly speak. I knelt down beside Father Porphyrius and asked him to bless me and give me some of his blessed, heartfelt instructions. Of course, I cannot tell you my confession. I will only say that the Elder revealed a lot to me. I was amazed by his gift of clairvoyance. He talked to me for a while, as far as his strength allowed and as far as I could perceive the measure of my spiritual imperfection. Later, I met with him two more times, but we were no longer able to talk, the Elder always had many visitors. However, his holy humility and great love taught me a wonderful lesson. Do you know what it means to see a man of God, enlightened, peaceful, burdened with many illnesses, and yet receiving people day and night without complaints or murmuring? His heart was always open to everyone.

I believe that it is worth briefly describing the main stages of Father Porphyrios' life. In this way we will be able to better understand this book and spiritually enjoy the company of the Elder.