Flower Words of Advice

Finally, the Elder broke this divine silence with the words: "At this point we will end our common prayer. Continue to pray yourself. Now go with God to your homes." As we were moving away, I turned my head back and discerned in the moonlight the majestic silhouette of Father Porphyrios. The elder stood right next to the rocks, raising his right hand and blessing us.

Prayer with the Elder. A blindingly bright light filled my room

Father Porphyrius himself prayed a lot and wanted his spiritual children to do the same. He tried in every way to encourage me to pray and constantly told me about the power of prayer.

"Prayer, my child Anargyre," he said one day, "means a conversation with God Himself, Who is the Creator and Creator of everything! He is the One Who created man in His image and likeness. He is the One who created everything that we see around us. Finally, He is the One Who never refuses to talk to us, if only we ask Him for it. Whenever and however much we turn to Him, He will never refuse us. On the contrary, He is always ready to listen to us with attention and great love, as every good father does when his child asks him to do so. Moreover, He is ready to give us what we ask for, if only it is for the benefit of our soul. Have you ever had a conversation with any member of the government? If not, I recommend giving it a try. You'll soon find that your desire to talk to them will remain just that. They will never accept you. The most they will do is send you to one of their deputies to get rid of you... On the contrary, our Lord, Who is the King of kings, will never turn away from you, will never refuse to converse with you through prayer. Do you understand what I'm telling you and why I'm doing it?

"Of course, Geronda," I answered.

"But something tells me you don't want to understand it. Because if you understood everything, then you would pray more.

"You pray for me," I said.

"I'll eat, and you'll be full?" the Elder asked.

These words completely disarmed me.

"Listen to me, Anargyre," continued Father Porphyrios. "I will make you one proposal. But I want you to promise me beforehand that you will agree with him and follow him.

"I promise, Geronda. I am ready to do what you tell me.

"Good. Now we will pray for each other every day at a certain time.

We agreed on everything and promised each other to pray. The time for prayer was determined - ten o'clock in the evening. The Elder, as he told me, firmly believed in the power of such joint prayer. "The results of praying together are amazing," he said. But I want you to follow our agreement to pray at ten o'clock sharp, and never break it. And I will do the same."

Finally, Father Porphyrios and I came to the bus stop. This time he did not allow me, as I usually did, to walk him home. "No," he said, "don't see me off. Go home. We've just agreed on something, haven't we?" From today we must begin to act according to the agreement. From tonight. Everything must be done quickly." I obeyed. The elder got on the bus, and I waited until he left. As soon as the bus started, I remember it well, he knocked on the glass and said to me: "Exactly at ten!" His face shone with light and was like the face of an angel. Of course, he was thirty years younger then. In the prime of life.