Flower Words of Advice

Systematic practice of mental prayer presupposes, according to the teaching of Father Porphyrius, first, the presence of an experienced elder who will watch over the disciple; and secondly, the freedom of the ascetic from egoism, rancor, enmity, self-will, vanity, and similar passions. The Elder especially emphasized the need to perform the liturgical sequences of the Divine services handed down to us by the Holy Fathers. His instruction "Unceasingly say the Jesus Prayer" is addressed to all of us. But here we must have a discussion: this instruction does not imply the abolition of church rites. Also, we should not think that by saying several times: "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me," we will immediately achieve something.

Some people who, as the Elder saw, wanted to "learn" mental prayer out of egoism, in order to later boast about it in front of others or in secret

to revel in self-glorification, that they are practicing the highest prayer, he advised not to engage in mental prayer at all. Father Porphyrius gave many examples when people fell ill because they began to practice the Jesus Prayer "according to a plan", using various "methods", making prayer an end in itself, instead of humbly asking God to have mercy on them. Prayer should not be approached with a counting machine. It must fly from the soul itself. The one who prays cannot keep track of it, it pours out of him like the tears of a person overcome by tenderness, without any special effort. Of course, we must put work into prayer, but it should not be forced, compulsory. It is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere. Read a spiritual book, cense incense, sing spiritual hymns, light a candle, concentrate. Let us give thanks, praise, ask God — and all this simply, non-violently, in simplicity of heart [141].

"Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me" – these words contain everything

Once I asked the Elder to tell me how to pray, and, if possible, to reveal how he himself prays. He replied immediately...

"What do you accept prayer for?" Do you think it is dishes that are brought to you on order? Or that it's a prescription drug? I have already told you to seek only the salvation of your soul. Strive to become an heir to the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. And leave everything else to God. I will remind you once again of the words of the Gospel: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you [142]. Isn't that enough for you? If it is not enough, or if it does not satisfy you, then limit yourself to mental prayer. For me, the words "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me" contain everything. Undoubtedly more than for you. It is only necessary to pronounce them with faith, completely devoting oneself to prayer. During prayer, think that you are standing before the crucified Christ. Listen again: when you pray, turn your mind here to me. I will understand what you think of me, and I will pray for you with you. This is the best. So I advise you to pray.

"Geronda, but you didn't explain anything to me.

"I've explained everything to you in detail. You're just misunderstanding. Do you know why? Because you separate yourself from the rest of the people. And this is completely wrong. Just as we love ourselves, we must love our neighbors in the same way. I love the whole world as much as I love myself. Therefore, I see no reason to say: "Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us" and not "have mercy on me" [143]·. After all, I and the world are one! In the same way say you: "Have mercy on me."

Our voice should be full of supplication

"Turning to God, my child, we should not look like a sergeant giving orders to the militia, but a humble slave. We must plead, our voice must be full of supplication. Only then will he reach the Throne of God. And God, like a tenderly loving father, will fulfill our request and send down upon us Divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit."

Feel the whole Church next to you

"When you pray, pray not only for yourself. When you say, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me," feel next to you all your brotherhood, the entire Church in all corners of the earth, our militant, living Orthodox Church, as well as our triumphant, perfect Church. We are all one before God. And we, and those who will live after us, until the end of time."

We can unite

"Only by Divine grace can two people really make one whole. By praying, they can mysteriously unite, although in fact they will be kilometers apart. This unity brings great joy. We can be one if we live a mysterious life in Christ, without just saying words about love. Then the union takes place effortlessly, through the mysterious life in Christ, through love. He who loves sends "good