Flower Words of Advice

However, it should not be forgotten that the above conversation was conducted with a specific person who is at a certain level of spiritual development. Father Porphyrius gave other instructions to other people. Such advice of the Elder is of a purely personal nature and is not suitable for general guidance.

Temptation during the Jesus Prayer

One brother studied the Jesus Prayer for a long time and diligently. However, he constantly complained to me that once Father Porphyrius forbade him to pray as he was accustomed to, and blessed him to perform the usual prayers from the liturgical books. With the Jesus Prayer, he allowed him to pray for no more than ten minutes a day.

Seven or eight years passed. Once this brother was driving the Elder in his car from Callisia to Athens. On the way, they met a woman they knew, and Father Porphyrius told them to stop to give her a ride. He spoke to her and began to ask about her father, who had become a monk, how he was doing, how he was doing.

When he had finished talking to the woman, he turned to his brother and said:

"You know, her father, when he became a monk, began to pray a lot. The evil one took advantage of this, and the monk, through the enemy's action, began to experience sensations of great pleasure and other various sensual states. Do you remember how a few years ago I forbade you to practice the Jesus Prayer? Well, the enemy was then ready to catch you in the same net." After these words of Father Porphyrius, my brother felt warm gratitude to him and stopped complaining to me about his prohibition.

Various Tips About Prayer

"When we are in the grace of God, then our prayer becomes pure.

Pray unceasingly, day and night, even when you are lying in bed."

«Каким бы уставшим ты ни был, никогда не забывай вечером перед сном прочитать повечерие» [146].

Другому брату отец Порфирий сказал:

«Когда ты днем сильно устаешь на работе или утомишься, занимаясь Иисусовой молитвой, вечером прочитай только Трисвятое. Тебе этого достаточно».

Один брат рассказывал мне:

«Однажды я вернулся из области страшно уставшим и от работы, и от поездки и вечером не стал читать повечерие, прочитал только Трисвятое и лег спать.