Anna Gippius

Why have people been coming here in an endless stream for two centuries in a row? Are they coming from other cities? What for?

For help, salvation, healing. And those who cannot come, pray to St. Xenia at home. In front of any paper icon. Without an icon.

"Mother Xenia, help me!" Helps.

The wonderful word "mother" has long disappeared from our speech. It sounds only in prayer, in an appeal to the Mother of God, to the saint. Moreover, it remained used in addressing the priest's wife. And somehow the heart does not feel its meaning, its meaning: mommy, mommy. Thus, out of our helplessness, we stretch out our hands, as in childhood, imploring; "Take me in your arms," we call out to the heavenly protector:

"Mother, mother, mother, save me!" Saves.

I will tell you about love. About how love for your husband became love for you, for me, for every person in the world.

Does this happen? It happened. There is such a thing.

This happened in our days, during the Chechen war.1

The soldier was on duty at the checkpoint when it was reported that his mother from St. Petersburg had come to him.

"She's waiting for you at the trailers," the commander said. –Go.

The soldier ran to the trailers, but did not find his mother there. After walking near the trailers, I decided to return, and then there was an explosion.

A Chechen missile hit directly into the checkpoint. Everyone died.

Already returning home, the soldier told this mysterious story to his mother.