Anna Gippius

What happened? Xenia sent the woman to her spiritual father, Elder Theodore, for healing, as she would have done in life:

"Go to Sanaksary, dear." They will help you there.

... And now Ksenia is back in the capital. Brilliant St. Petersburg, the century of Elizabeth Petrovna, then Catherine. The flourishing of science and culture, the construction of beautiful buildings in the Baroque style and urban ensembles, masterpieces of classicism: the Winter Palace and the Smolny Cathedral, the Admiralty and the General Staff Building, the Gostiny Dvor. Balls, holidays, entertainments. And on the outskirts, including on the Petersburg side, there are wooden houses, pavements and temples, shops, markets and taverns.

The nobility is fornicating, and the people are depraved. In high society, not to have a mistress, a lover is not comme il faut. How is it possible, pardon me, mon cher, who now observes ridiculous marital fidelity? Take our Empress, for example, as if the whole world did not know that after many pranks and amusements she had at last concluded a secret marriage with Razumovsky. And what about Mother Empress Catherine? Yes, her favorites not only receive palaces and estates as gifts, but also rule Russia together with her. So what is the demand from us, the wretched?

St. Petersburg of the XVIII century was the same prodigal Babylon as it is today.

And in it the Lord revealed Xenia, a righteous woman, by the power of love for her husband and God. She walked the streets among people, kindling in them conscience and the memory of God, because she was clearly holy to all eyes. His saint. She showed purity to debauchery. Not to condemn sinners, no.

Long ago, in ancient times, God said to Abraham: "If I find ten righteous men in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole city and the whole place for their sake" (Genesis 18:26-32). So Xenia was one of those righteous women for whom the prodigal city stands.

Today there are also prayer books for us. Not everyone knows about them. But who knows, he goes for spiritual help and guidance. Those who do not know use their feat. Because the city and the country, the whole earth, stand only by the mercy of God, which He sends for the prayers of the righteous. Saving the city, saving the country, saving the world. This is the function of saints at all times.

An amazing incident occurred in St. Petersburg. First, 28-year-old nurse Oksana Popova had a terrible dream: her 22-year-old brother Dimka was beaten and kicked by some drunken thugs. "So they beat him to death in front of me," Oksana told the Megapolis-Express columnist. "The bloody head is shaking in the dust, and they are kicking it. I scream and wake up in a cold, sticky sweat."

When the girl told her grandmother about her terrible dream, she gasped and dropped the ladle from her hands. It turns out that the grandmother had exactly the same dream: a bloody Dimka in the dust under the feet of the scum. In the evening, it turned out that the mother also had an identical dream. A terrible silence reigned in the apartment.

And then Dimka returned from the institute and announced that he was leaving for a friend in the suburban village of Kavgolovo until Monday. There was no way to keep the guy, and Dmitry only laughed at the story of a triple dream and left home for the night.

The women who remained at home were seized with horror. Unable to do anything, they went to their rooms and, without agreeing, began to pray. As it turned out later, everyone prayed (also without agreeing!) to one single saint – Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, who was revered in this family more than anyone else. At one o'clock in the morning, a sudden doorbell rang.