Anna Gippius

She pulled it out, washed it and began to ask Ksenia to forgive such a terrible insult. The saints are not vindictive, and the wife asked with all her might. I believe that the saint forgave her husband.

The beauty did not succeed in using Blessed Xenia to seduce someone else's husband. And Ksenia also saved him, did not allow him to turn left, to betray his beloved and loving family.

So do not ask Ksenia for intimacy with someone else's husband, revenge on the enemy, the dismissal of a nasty colleague. It won't do any good.

And you ask Ksenia for recovery for yourself and your loved ones, relatives and friends. Ask for a job to feed your family, lawful conjugal love, protection from the abuser, justice, and truth.

In the blockade winter of 1941, I had to be at the Smolensk cemetery. Much sorrow and much sorrow could be seen there. Passing by the chapel of Xenia the Blessed, I noticed how from time to time people shrouded up to their eyes approached her. They stand, pray, kiss the walls and put notes in the cracks. A blizzard wind blew the notes out of the cracks, and they rolled on the snow.

I picked up three of them. One of them read: "Dear Ksenya, arrange for me to get a working bread card for 250 grams. Manya." On the second note: "Dear Holy Xenyushka, pray to God that the Germans do not bomb our house on Malaya Posadskaya, 4. And that we do not die of starvation. Tanya, Vadik and Grandmother". On the third: "Dear Xenia, ask God to save my fiancé, the sailor Arkashka, so that he does not get blown up by a mine in the Gulf of Finland on his minesweeper. I wish you happiness in paradise. I kiss you tightly, Ksenyushka. Valentine. October 27, 1941."

A small, impossibly spherical old woman turned around the corner of the chapel. We started talking.

"Blessed Xenia is great with the Lord God," said the old woman, "she helps everyone no matter what they ask of her. Of course, if for good deeds. The chapel is closed, they are not allowed to see Ksenyushka, they are not allowed in. But before the war, shoemakers were put there. They laid boards on the grave and put these drunkards in jail. They brought them a mountain of stinking boots. The shoemakers took boots on iron feet and began to beat on heels with hammers, hammering nails. They were pounding, beating, suddenly he shook, the floor was shaking. They were afraid that there would be an earthquake. We jumped out of the chapel - it did not shake. They entered, began to beat - it shook again. They sent one around the corner to the store for a bottle. He came with full pockets. They took it on their breasts and did not see the light at all. They shook so much that all their shoes danced, jumped all over the chapel. We went to the authorities to refuse. The authorities laughed hard, did not believe the shoemakers, but the petition respected them.

The old woman said goodbye to me and went on, muttering to herself in a warm scarf: "Great, great is the blessed Xenia of the Lord God."

V. N. Lyalin, "St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg"

To ask – how? Very simple.

Here is a book. If, after reading it, you believe that St. Xenia will help you, then this is exactly what will happen. According to your faith be it done to you (Gospel of Matthew, 9:29).