Lilia Guryanova

On August 14, 1996, I was healed of terrible pain and colic in my right kidney. On August 10, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital right from work. It was Saturday, and for two days before the doctor came, I endured attacks of pain. On August 12, the doctor, having examined me, appointed an examination. The next day, I turned to Father John of Kronstadt for prayerful help through my wife Nina. She brought oil from the lamp in the burial vault of the priest, and on August 14, at 3 p.m., we prayed and anointed the sore spot. In an instant, the pain was gone, and in two hours very small stones came out, easily and simply. I must say that for two days, on August 12 and 13, I drank flaxseed every two hours, but the attacks, however, recurred more and more often. And when I touched the oil from Father John's lamp, the pain disappeared immediately!

Servant of God Eugene

In the autumn of 1994, a misfortune happened to Nikolai Ivanovich, who worked in one of the "closed" enterprises. During the tests, a rocket exploded, several people were injured. Nikolai Ivanovich received a severe burn - 53% of the surface of the body, even the oral cavity was burned. No one imagined that with such injuries a person could stay alive. Meanwhile, his relative (the mother of his son-in-law), Evgenia Vasilievna, came to the Ioannovsky Monastery and with tears told about this grief. The nuns said that she needed to serve a moleben to St. John of Kronstadt, brought oil from his tomb, and, giving advice to firmly hope for the help of the priest, promised to pray for the sick man themselves. Nikolai Ivanovich began to be lubricated with healing oil. Few believed in his recovery: after all, he was "all like a firebrand". However, a miracle happened: a few months later, Nikolai Ivanovich was discharged from the hospital healthy and continues to work. Evgenia Vasilievna came to the monastery to tell about this mercy of God and to thank God and His saint John for the healing of her kinsman.

Based on materials from the Internet site "Circle of Communication and Creativity for the Orthodox"

The third miraculous sign is a sign from above

Before his sleep, John did not think about marriage, but he took the coincidence of the dream and the proposal of the Kronstadt abbot as a sign from above, and the marriage took place. But immediately after the wedding, John turned to his young wife with the following words: "Liza, there are enough happy families in the world even without us. And look how much human grief is spread around. Let us serve these suffering and unfortunate ones. And in order to do this in complete moral purity, let us remain brother and sister among ourselves."