Lilia Guryanova

Fr. John was very sympathetic to the sincere and unfeigned grief of the suffering father and, having listened to his story, calmed him down, promised to fulfill his request and fervently pray for his sick daughter.

... The next day, with the first passenger. by train, early in the morning, Mr. Mikhailov returned to Moscow... It turned out that their sick daughter Olga, who had recently experienced terrible torment from illness and had spent sleepless nights, that night, at about 12 o'clock, that is, at the very time when Fr. John was praying for her, fell asleep soundly and peacefully, and the previous pains that had bothered her completely ceased. The girl's sleep was prolonged, and when she woke up, she felt more vigorous and stronger than before going to sleep, in addition, in a dream she saw herself in church, and there she was communed by the Holy Spirit. Fr. John of Kronstadt, after which she became noticeably better. From that day on, without any medical care, his daughter recovered completely."

From the magazine "Helmsman", No 32, August 10, 1902

In 1900, my grandmother Feofila Onufrievna Cherlyunchakevich was in a terribly difficult financial situation. It was so hard for her that, finding no other help, she turned to Fr. John of Kronstadt, asking him to pray for her salvation. A few days after sending the letter, the grandmother felt some clarity in her soul and as if some secret voice was telling her: "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Soon after that, all the evil passed, as if removed by some miracle, and the financial situation of the grandmother improved. Later, she often told us about this incident and was an ardent admirer of Fr. John of Kronstadt.

Elena Ivanovna Kazakova, Serbia, Belgrade, Groblyanskaya Street, building No 6

I am a contemporary of Fr. John, I deeply revere him and am deeply grateful to him for healing my father, who was terminally ill: articular rheumatism, two pneumonias, and pleurisy.

I was then 15 years old, the care of the family lay on me, because my mother had died long ago.

I sent a telegram to Fr. John, and my father began to recover the very next day, and when soon Fr. John arrived in Vilna, where we lived, then, not knowing my father, he went directly up to him and said: "Your Excellency, be healthy, be healthy."

From a letter by Olga Grekova, née Levanets, Jerusalem, Mission Russe, V. P. 818