Lilia Guryanova

How to read the Akathist?

First of all, since reading will take time, you need to choose a free hour during the day. At this hour, no one should disturb you, nothing should distract you from prayer.

It is good if you read the Akathist in front of the icon of St. John of Kronstadt, it is wonderful if you light a church candle in front of his image.

Probably, at first the words of the Akathist will not be very clear to you and even difficult to pronounce. But the longer you read it, the clearer the meaning will become, the easier it will be to read.

The main thing that is required when reading the Akathists at home is patience and constancy. That's the whole secret.

Akathist to St. John of Kronstadt

Kontakion 1

Chosen and faithful among the priests of God, we praise thee, God-bearing Father John! For thou didst follow the Gospel Truth, Thou didst be crucified with Christ with all thy heart, Thou didst pour forth a stream of miracles and healings to all the faithful, and Thou didst direct them to their salvation. And we, strengthened by thy prayers in faith, hope, and love, call thee gratefully: Rejoice, O John, O thou of prayer of the land of Russia.

Ikos 1

Angel of prayer and preacher of repentance we know thee, blessed father. For Thou hast interceded for us at the Throne of God, that we may come to true understanding and direct our lives to the path of salvation, crying out to thee: Rejoice, thou chosen vessel of God's grace; Rejoice, O Wisdom of God, O thou who didst sweetly absorb the milk of a mother; Rejoice, O thou who didst follow thy guardian angel as Tobias of old; Rejoice, O thou chaste fruit of unquestionable purity of God-loving parents; Rejoice, O thou who hast acquired God's blessing in obedience to thy parents; Rejoice, O thou who hast been diligent in the guidance of the Holy Spirit from thy youth; Rejoice, O thou who lovest God with all thy heart; Rejoice, O thou who didst grow to the measure of Christ's stature; Rejoice, O John, O thou who didst pray for the land of Russia.

Kontakion 3