«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Thomas Gandow


(Translated from German)

? Translation, Center of the Holy Martyr Irenaeus of Lyons, 1995

? Introductory article, compilation, Alexander Dvorkin, 1995

Contents: Introduction. Moon's movement, the "Unification Church", etc. Sun Myung Moon and his "movement". New Teaching. Principle. The First Blessing: True Parents. The second blessing is pure blood. The third blessing is perfect dominion. Release of the spirit world. The development of the Moon movement after 1990.


In November 1994, the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, together with representatives of the National Council of Christian Churches of Korea, held a seminar on "Sectarian Movements of Korean Origin in Russia." It would seem that this purely special church event, held only for a narrow circle of interested persons, should have been of little interest: representatives of the Christian churches of the two countries meet to discuss one of the common problems and clarify their attitude to it, that's all.

Nevertheless, a few weeks before the start of the seminar, both sides began to receive letters from an organization with a strange name: the Holy Spirit Association for the Reunification of Christians of the World, insisting that its representatives be included in the seminar and threatening to blame themselves if they refused.

That these threats were not unfounded, explained the Korean Christians, who nevertheless showed courage and arrived at the seminar. It turned out that the father of one of them, a devout Christian who had dared to criticize the methods of the Holy Spirit Association, had been killed by one of its supporters, who had attacked him with a dagger from around the corner. This, it turns out, is what methods should be used to unite Christians all over the world...

The "Holy Spirit Association" has another name - the "Unification Church", or simply, "Moon's Church". Where did this strange name come from?