«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»


Christianity bears witness to Christ Jesus as the perfect God and the perfect Man, before Whom every creature kneels and by Whose sacrifice on the Cross the whole world is renewed.

Moonism preaches a perfect man who personifies God (that is, who has realized the "principle") – Moon. He is the "master of the universe" and the "co-creator of himself."

Such an understanding of God is deeply alien to Christianity. The Good News speaks of the Lord, who was humiliated and crucified for our salvation, and of the Grace of God, which strengthens Christians to keep the commandments, the first of which is "blessed are the poor in spirit."

A meek, compassionate God is a living personal love, not a dead, soulless Principle. Love for God and for one's neighbor is for Christians the measure and foundation of all things. This is the cardinal discrepancy between the religion of Moonism and the Christian faith.


Friends and family should not try to use this book or other information as a "miracle cure": "Read it here, and the scales will fall from your eyes...." Experience shows that those who are newly involved close themselves to such an "information attack" and forever close the critical book. In general, it is not recommended to use the method of a heap of arguments, even if they are quite well-founded, such as those given in this book. Rather, it can lead, and often does, to bitterness, and perhaps even to greater involvement in the affairs of a group "that you are unjustly attacking and you have no idea about."

In everything, including the appeal to the youth religion or the ideological movement, there are two sides: the charm of the leader and the group, and the anguish and life difficulties of the "seeker". Therefore, it is important to find the reasons why this or that person turns to such a group. What makes a newcomer abandon his former orientation and old connections and join such an extreme trend?

Those who have had the opportunity to talk to their relatives and friends who have joined the movement of a guru or a youth religion may presumably share the view that the individual is more important than the leader. That is why you should talk to your son, daughter or other close people about their problems rather than about the leader, about the reasons for his charm or about the dark sides of his personality. The main topic of conversation should be the persons concerned (including the family), their characteristics and problems, the personal situation of the person involved or seeking, and possible alternatives.

What Christians can do.