St. Demetrius of Rostov

And He who watered you, She will take.

The pen of the Holy Spirit wrote the Fleece,

The dew of the Holy Spirit was poured out on him:

"I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh" (Luke 6:45).

For out of the abundance of his heart his mouth saith:

What was in your heart, you poured out on the Fleece,

In that work, the Holy Spirit Himself gave you strength.

Thou hast glorified His fleece bride,

The Spirit has added to your understanding.

You watered the beautiful Fleece with writing,

From the Mother of God you will receive everything that you ask.

Panna herself will tell you God's love and mine,

To him who goes to heaven — this special caress.

About you, the most beloved sheep,

I pray to the Shepherd who forever shepherds thee.

Lazar Baranovich, Archbishop of Chernigov, Novgorod and All the North, by his own hand

To the reader

The description of the miracles of the Most-Pure and Most-Blessed Virgin Mary from Her miraculous image, which is in the Elijah Monastery, is again published, pious reader, with the correction of moral teachings and the addition of brief spiritual conversations.

Examples from the lives of the saints are also attached here for your benefit.

You, my beloved, when reading or listening to this book, thank God and the Mother of God for miracles, listen to conversations, do not reject moral teachings, use examples.

And forgive him who labored in obedience in this matter, if he made a mistake, or if he wrote clumsily, for I am ignorant, simple and unlearned. And he did not compile it from himself, but from where he read it, and, like a bee, he gathered honey from various potions into one hundred. And who has what, what would not take? But God, Who gave people in the wilderness honey from a stone and oil from a solid rock, Who poured water out of the jawbone of an ass for Samson, is able to pour out honey and oil, and spiritual pleasures, and lime, as from the jawbone of an ass, the living water of spiritual benefit, for once even a dumb donkey could exhort a wise prophet.

And so you, attentive reader, do not despise simple moralizing conversations, written not for the sake of some vain intention, but for the glory of God, for the praise of the Mother of God, and for the gain of human souls.

IzhE in the Rune of InOgda is prefigured, Mati s Ototvorshago NaS vseh Here is written. With your soul and thought, you will pay attention to it and read it to others.

Foreword to the book

With the fleece I call here the Most Holy Mother of God, and Her miraculous image, and this little book, for such blessed reasons.