Priest Oleg Davydenkow

Значит, даже истинно исповедать Иисуса Христа своим Господом может, только тот, на чье сердце предварительно воздействовал Святой Дух. Поэтому, по словам свт. Филарета Московского,

«Священное Предание — это не только видимая и словесная передача учений, правил, постановлений соборов, обрядов, но также и невидимое и действенное сообщение благодати и освящения» [41].

Таким образом, в едином и неразрывном потоке Предания можно различать три уровня передаваемого:

а) передача богооткровенного учения и тех исторических памятников, в которых это учение заключено;

б) передача опыта духовной жизни, который сообщается личным примером, в соответствии с богооткровенным учением;

c) the transmission of grace-filled consecration, which is carried out, first of all, through the sacraments of the Church.

"Holy Tradition is not only a collection of many written documents, it is the transmission of the life and experience of the whole Church, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit" [42]


2.1. The concept of the Holy Scriptures. Bible

The name Holy or Divine Scripture is taken from the Holy Scripture itself. Up. Paul wrote to his disciple Timothy:

"You have known the scriptures since childhood"

(1 Tim. 3:15).

According to the definition of the "Extensive Catechism", the Holy Scriptures are called

"Books written by the Spirit of God through men sanctified by God, who are called prophets and apostles. Usually these books are called the Bible" [43].

Where did this name come from? About 20 km north of Beirut on the Mediterranean coast there is a small now Arab, formerly Phoenician, city of Gibel. In the Holy Scriptures he is mentioned under the name of Ebal (Ezekiel 27:9). The Greeks called this port city "Byblos". Since writing material was delivered to Greece through this port, the very word "byblos (βίβλος)" came to mean a book among the Greeks. "The Bible (βιβλία)" is the plural of βίβλος. Thus, the literal meaning of the word "Bible" is books [44]. The word βίβλος; in Greek, neuter. Over time, the word βιβλία (plural, cf. p.)

"turned into a singular word of the feminine gender, began to be written with a capital letter and applied exclusively to the Holy Scriptures, becoming its own name: the Bible. As such, it has passed into all the languages of the world. It wants to show that Holy Scripture is a book par excellence, that is, it surpasses all other books in its significance because of its divine origin and content. that all the heterogeneous elements included in it contain the revelation of one and the same fundamental truth: the truth about God, who reveals himself in the world and builds our salvation" [45].