«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»
Chapter 24. On the Sense of God's Existence Implanted in the Human Soul
Chapter 25. What is the spiritual world?
Chapter 26. On the Incarnation of the Son of God and on the fact that in His name for believers and those who pray He Himself remains His Divine Being
Chapter 27. About the extreme importance, in the matter of our eternal salvation, of the Jesus Prayer. Its explanation; Comparison with Other Prayers and Its Dignity
Chapter 28. Why is the inner life according to God revered and respected by all people? Its content and explanation of its production. Inward. My journey into the interior of the Caucasus Mountains (a hermit's story)
Chapter 29. My impressions and feelings, when looking at the sky, on a dark night, among the Caucasian ranges
Chapter 30. Depiction of aerial phenomena
Chapter 31. View of the mountains in autumn, in the desert wilds of the Caucasus, according to a hermit
Chapter 32. View of the same mountains in winter
Chapter 33. My other travels in the mountains of the Caucasus and various incidents and adventures during them that were with me
Chapter 34. Praise to the Caucasian Desert. What one who wants to live in the desert needs to have. What is the inner content of this life?
Chapter 35. My feelings after the deprivation of the desert
Chapter 36. The thoughts and feelings of the hermit at his farewell to the monastery in which he had lived for many years; Farewell to the Abbot and the Brethren
Chapter 37. A warning against the early desert. What is needed for proper admission to it