«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

This book was written with the help of God with the sole purpose of the fullest possible explanation of the Jesus Prayer, which, according to the teaching of all the holy fathers, is the root and foundation of spiritual life, and at the same time its height and perfection. And therefore, in our work, all the power of speech is primarily aimed at explaining this subject. Everywhere we place prayer above all virtues, among which there is nothing equal to it, of course, in its highest degrees. It unites us with God in such a close and closest union that in it we are with Him, according to the words of the Holy Apostle, one spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17), and we become partakers of the Divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Of course, such closeness and such extreme unity of our spirit with God cannot be found anywhere except in prayer, and even in worthy communion of the Holy Life-Giving Immortal Mysteries of Christ.

Having attained grace-filled, unceasing prayer, a person reaches, according to the teaching of St. Isaac of Syria, the end of all virtues, becoming the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit: he abides in God, and God abides in him (1 John 4:1516). There is nowhere else to go and no reason to go, because in God there is an end to all our strivings, desires, aspirations and expectations. In Him is eternal life and infinite bliss, which is the goal of striving for all rational beings.

We call the Jesus Prayer nothing else than the reverent invocation of the saving name of our Lord Jesus Christ – at all times, in every occupation, and in every place, to whom and in any way it is possible, according to one's own strength, zeal, and will. This is possible for all of us – of any rank, sex, age and condition. For there is no sight of God on the face (Romans 2:11). As it is said in the Life of St. Gregory Palamas of Thessalonica (see Russian Philokalia of Bishop Theophanes, Volume 5 – on the last 3 pages). Only in this case is a pious life required, as far as it is possible, since, according to the words of the Scriptures, Wisdom will not enter into a wicked soul. This salvific invocation of the name of Jesus Christ, acting in feelings of deep repentance, humble heart and pure thought, gives us the opportunity to abide in the fulfillment of the first commandment of the Lord – in His Divine love.

In its action, the Jesus Prayer is the mysterious communion and unity of our souls with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Source of life, which in fact consists of our true life, which is temporary and primarily eternal. And in its inner strength it is the love of God, the sanctification of the heart, reconciliation with God, confession of faith – the food of the soul and our blessedness.

But many may naturally ask: "Why is the Jesus Prayer put forward here, that is, to the Lord Jesus Christ, when the Holy Fathers have composed a multitude of other prayers used by the Holy Church for the salvation of her faithful children?"

This is not because the Son of God preeminates in the threefold unity of the Godhead, but because He has won us for God and the Father by His precious Blood, and is our Saviour and Reconciler with Divine truth. He took our nature into His Divine person, redeemed us from our sins by His life, death and resurrection; He bore for us the punishment that urgently lay upon us for our ancestral sins and his own sins. Being tempted himself, he can also help those who are tempted (Heb. 2:18).

Therefore, in all fairness, we must first pray to Him.