«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Святые отцы хорошо постигали неограниченную силу имени Иисус Христова, когда законоположили, что оно должно быть произносимо нами также часто и непрерывно, как идет наше дыхание.

И только о имени сем они прославились и стали святыми.

Глава 28.

Отчего внутренняя по Богу жизнь ото всех людей находится в почитании и уважении? Ее содержание и объяснение ее производства. Внутрьпребывание. Мое путешествие во внутренность Кавказских гор (рассказ пустынника)

Это потому, что во глубине своего существа, душа наша соединена с Самим Божественным Духом, Который и влечет ее к Себе Своею Божественною красотою.

И когда душа снизойдет своими силами в свою собственную глубину, то есть во внутрь себя самой, то как бы уже но необходимости соприкасается Божеству и получает оживотворение, освящение, обновление, восходит на высшую степень духовного бытия и живет духом, проникнутым единением с Богом, что самое выражая, святой апостол говорит: бываем един дух с Богом .

And in order to manifest this deed as clearly as possible, it is explained by the quality of our spirit, in the essence (nature) of which God Himself has invested the sense of Divinity; the consciousness that there is a God – the Creator of all things, an involuntary feeling of His being, depending on Him, a premonition of Him, a kind of divinatory foreknowledge of Him, an idea – an idea.

And this is something akin to the Divinity, as His inhalation – the organ for receiving His revelations and His very effects on our spirit; is the place of our union with God, where God appears to our consciousness, to the extent of our capacity, according to the power of faith, purity and humility. Were it not for this Divine feeling in our spirit, the very presence of the Infinite Being, as theologians teach, would not be cognizable to us. And the revelation of Him could not be accepted and assimilated by man. In a word, there would be no possibility of discovering a mental, immaterial object – God.

Now it is clear that when we enter with our consciousness, thought, and attention into this sacred tabernacle of our spirit, where God dwells, then of necessity we are illumined by the light of His face; we are permeated by His Divine power, we enter into the closest unity with Him, and, being one in spirit, we partake of the firstfruits of eternal life for the sake of the fact that we abide in God and God dwells in us.

About this living communion of ours with God, or the union of our spirit with Him, all the Holy Fathers in their writings teach and testify as with a loud trumpet, because it is the goal of our existence on earth.