«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»


Chapter 1. The ascent of the hermit to the mountains and the poetic description of the mountain beauty that opened up to his eyes

Chapter 2. A wonderful meeting with the elder hermit, and the beginning of a conversation with him about spiritual work

Chapter 3. Explanation of the Presence of God Himself in the Name of God

Chapter 4. Proof of this is why the name "Jesus" is ascribed Divine dignity. And why for the believing and loving Lord Jesus, it is as if He Himself were Lord and Savior

Chapter 5. An explanation of the efficacy or perceptibility of the Jesus Prayer for our hearts

Chapter 6. On the Fruits of Prayer

Chapter 7. An explanation of what is required to receive the gift of the Jesus Prayer and why it is difficult. How do psalmody and the Holy Gospel relate to the Jesus Prayer? The natural correlation of the components in a person, and about the rule. Who taught the elder the Jesus Prayer

Chapter 8. About animals, birds and species of the Caucasian nature

Chapter 9. A brief biography of the elder

Chapter 10. Eternal Life in the Son of God and Explanation of What It Takes to Be a Partaker

Chapter 11. A Detailed Explanation of the First Degree of the Jesus Prayer

Chapter 12. On the Second Degree of the Jesus Prayer

Chapter 13. On the Third Degree of the Jesus Prayer

Chapter 14. More About Prayer in General

Chapter 15. That the one who prays the Jesus Prayer needs guidance. About the reasons for its belittlement. Inducement to its production

Chapter 16. The general conclusion about prayer is from all that has been said about it so far. Where did the Jesus Prayer come from and part of its content?