Orthodoxy and modernity. Digital Library

© Efimov Igor, author



From the author

Chapter I. A Brief Historical Sketch of the Sect of Jehovah's Witnesses

Section I. C. Russell: "Prophet", "Innovator" or Follower

1. Historical prerequisites for the emergence of Jehovism

2. The Root of Lies

Section II: New Deadlines and "Old Disappointments"

1. Armageddon is canceled

2. New Dates for the Beginning of the Millennial Kingdom

3. The "end of the world" is postponed again

4. Jehovah will strike first

5. Another failure of the prophecy about the end of the "evil system of things"

6. Schisms in the movement of Jehovah's Witnesses

Chapter II: The Doctrine of the Sect of Jehovah's Witnesses

Section I. General Information About Jehovah's Witnesses

Section II: On the Holy Trinity

1. The Old Testament of God the Trinity

2. The Old Testament about God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

3. The New Testament on the Second and Third Hypostases of the Holy Trinity

About God the Son

About God the Holy Spirit

4. Jehovah's Witnesses in Search of Other Sources of Righteousness

Section III: The Doctrine of the Human Soul

1. The Old Testament about the human soul

2. The New Testament about the human soul

3. Did the Old Testament Jews believe in an afterlife?

Section IV: The Doctrine of Hell

Section V: The Three Foundations of Protestantism

1. On the Word of God

2. On the Church Hierarchy

Laying on of Hands by Sectarians

The Orthodox Teaching on the Church Hierarchy and "Being Born Again"

3. On Salvation

The Protestant Doctrine of Salvation

Jehovah's Witnesses on Salvation

The Sectarians' Teaching on Redemption

Orthodoxy on salvation

Section VI: The Doctrine of the Second Coming