Orthodoxy and modernity. Digital Library

2. The New Testament about the human soul

3. Did the Old Testament Jews believe in an afterlife?

Section IV: The Doctrine of Hell

Section V: The Three Foundations of Protestantism

1. On the Word of God

2. On the Church Hierarchy

Laying on of Hands by Sectarians

The Orthodox Teaching on the Church Hierarchy and "Being Born Again"

3. On Salvation

The Protestant Doctrine of Salvation

Jehovah's Witnesses on Salvation

The Sectarians' Teaching on Redemption

Orthodoxy on salvation

Section VI: The Doctrine of the Second Coming

1. The terms and methods of calculating the date of the second coming by C. Russell

2. The Arithmetic of the Second Coming among Modern Jehovah's Witnesses

3. On the Time of Theocracy over God's Chosen People

4. On the "Hebraisms" of Jehovah's Witnesses

5. Consideration of the 14th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew

6. "The Fruits of the Second Coming"

7. The Coming: Visible or Invisible?

8. Parousia - "Presence" or "Advent"?

Section VII: Of the First Resurrection and "Being Born Again"

1. Of the Class of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave"

2. Modern Doctrine of the First and Second Resurrections

3. 144 thousand - who are they?

4. A Critical Examination of the Scriptures on the Temporal Sequence of the Resurrection

5. On the death of the first and the death of the second

6. The Resurrection and the Rapture

Section VIII: The Second Resurrection and the Millennial Kingdom

Section IX: On the Antichrist

Section X: On Armageddon

Section XI. On the Last Judgment

Section XII. On speculation around the book of Daniel

Section XIII: The Name of God