The Bible and the Seventeenth-Century Revolution

См. мою главу “The Word ‘Revolution’” в A Nation of Change and Novelty: Radical Politics, Religion and Literature in Seventeenth-century England (1990).

О Кэтрин Маколей и Американской и Французской революциях, как и о ее влиянии на английский радикализм, см. Bridget Hill, The Republican Virago: The Life and Times of Catharine Macaulay, Historian (Oxford U. P., 1992). Я весьма благодарен ей за обсуждение этих вопросов.

Я здесь опираюсь на ценную книгу Basil Cottle. The Triumph of English, 1350-1400 (1969), p. 15.

Ellis. Specimens of the Early English Poets, I, pp. 76-81.

Генрих IV. Акт II, сцена 2; Cottle, Op. cit., pp. 17-22.

Cottle, op. cit., pp. 23-4, 169, 221; ср. Anne Hudson, The Premature Reformation: Wycliffite Texts and Lollard History (Oxford U. P., 1988), особ. гл. 2.

Cottle, op. cit., pp. 222, 226, 267.

Rastell, An Abridgement of the Statutes, цит. no The Thought and Culture of the English Renaissance: An Anthology of Tudor Prose. 1481-1555 (ed. E. M. Nugent, Cambridge U. P., 1956), pp. 173-5.

Foxe. Acts and Monuments (ed. J. Pratt, n. d.), Ill, pp. 718-21; ср. IV, pp. 252-3. См. также W. Haller, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and the Elect Nation (1963), p. 180.

Beard, Antichrist, the Pope of Rome (1625), pp. 181-2.

Preston, Life Etemall (4th ed., 1634), pp. 10-13; [Robinson] John the Baptist, precursor of Christ Jesus; Or, a necessity for liberty of conscience (1644), p. 74.

Ann Hudson, op. cit., p. 4.

M. Keen, “Wyclif, the Bible and Transubstatiation” in Wyclif in his times (ed. A. Kenny, Oxford U. P., 1986), pp.3-4.

Bale, The Image of Both Churches (1550) in Select Works (Parker Soc., 1849), p. 536.

Цит. no The Bible in its Ancient and English Versions (ed. H. Wheeler Robinson, Oxford U. P., 1940), p. 156.

Tyndale, Preface to The Five Books of Moses (1530), in Doctrinal Treatises, pp. 393-4.

F. Rose-Troup, The Western Rebellion of 1549 (1913), p. 221; cp. Foxe, op cit., IV, pp. 225, 239, VI, pp. 723-4.