The Bible and the Seventeenth-Century Revolution

Eisenstein, op. cit., I, pp. 66-7.

Jewel, op. cit., pp. 92-3.

Joseph Hall, Works (Oxford U. P., 1837-9), VII, pp. 90, 102.

Cheynell, The Rise, Growth and Danger of Socinianism, цит. по H. J. McLachlan, Socinianism in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford U. P., 1951), pp. 106-7.

Marvell, The Rehearsal Transpros’d (ed. D. I. Smith, Oxford U. P., 1971), pp. 4-5; впервые опубликовано в 1672 г.

Homilies (Oxford U. P., 1802), pp. 507-8.

Jewel, A Defence of the Apology of the Church of England (1567), in Works (Parker Soc., 1848), III, p. 22.

MCHW, II, p. 527.

Jewel, Works, III, pp. 93,173.

More, Dialogue against Luther and Tyndale, quoted in Thought and Culture of the English Renaissance, p. 441.

Цит. по H. Wheeler Robinson, The Bible in its Ancient and English Versions (Oxford U. P., 1940), p. 180.

Я не смог найти ссылки. Профессор Руте также не мог помочь мне, хотя и согласился с аттрибуцией.

Martin, op. cit., pp. 4-5,112-13; ср. его “Miles Hogarth: Artisan and Aspiring Author in Sixteenth-Century England”, Renaissance Quarterly, XXXIV (1981), passim.

Цит. no Martin, Religious Radicals, p. 115.

Цит. по David Norbrook, Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance (1984), pp. 63-4.

Martin, op. cit., pp. 73, 222.

Ed. H. Gee and W. J. Hardy, Documents Illustrative of English Church History (1896), p. 481.

MSS of the Earl Cowper (Historical Manuscript Commission), I, p. 90.

Ed. C. Webster, Utopian Planning and the Puritan Revolution: Gabriel Plattes, Samuel Hartlib and Macaria (Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine Research Publications, No. 11, Oxford, 1979), pp. 72-3.