New Testament

18He is the Head of the Church, His Body, He is the beginning of the beginnings,

He is the firstborn among those who have risen from the dead,

that He might be first in all things.

19The Father willed that all the fullness of God should abide in Christ,

20so that through him he may reconcile all things to himself,

having established the world by His blood on the cross[2696],

to reconcile all things on earth and in heaven [through Him].

21 Behold, you also, who were once distant[2697] and hostile to him in your thoughts and evil deeds, 22 He has now reconciled you to Himself by the death of Christ in a body of flesh and blood,2698 to set you before Him wholly consecrated to Him,2699b a people blameless and blameless, 23 if you remain steadfast, steadfast in the faith, and do not turn you away from hope, the Good News that you have heard. It has been proclaimed to all and all under heaven. And I, Paul, became her servant.

The Apostle's Joy in Suffering and Laboring in the Name of the Lord

24Now I rejoice that I suffer for you; and, suffering for the sake of the Body of Christ, His Church, I personally make up for what Christ still has to endure in oppression and persecution[2700]. 25I became her servant when God entrusted me with the care of you, and it was my business to proclaim to you the word of God in all its fullness, 26 the mystery which has been hidden for many ages from many generations,2701 and which has now been revealed to his people, 27 to whom God has desired to show what riches and glory have been bestowed upon all nations in this mystery. And this mystery is Christ in you, and He is also the pledge of your glory.

28Which we preach, admonishing and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that everyone may be presented to God perfect in Christ. 29For this reason I labor and struggle, moved by the power of Christ,2703 because it works mightily in me.

2 Am I struggling? Yes, and I want you to know what a hard struggle I am waging for you, for those in Laodicea, and for all others who do not yet know me personally. 2I want both you and they to be courageous and bound together in love,[2704]a that you may have all the riches of perfect understanding,[2705] and that you may know the mystery of God, Christ Himself.2706 3In Him, in Him alone, all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom may be found. 4I say this so that no one may deceive you only by a semblance of truth in words. 5Though I myself am not with you,[2707] yet in my spirit I am with you, and I rejoice to see the harmony among you,[2708] and the firmness of your faith in Christ.

With Christ, not false prophets

6Now, since you have received Christ Jesus our Lord,2709 then continue to live in him: 7 you who are rooted in him and build your lives on him, be strong in the faith, as you have been taught, and you will be filled with joy and gratitude[2710].