New Testament

5Therefore put to death all the earthly things in yourselves[2734]: fornication, all licentiousness, sinful passions, base desires, and covetousness (which is the same as idolatry), all of which bring the wrath of God [on those who oppose His will][2735]. 7 Once upon a time you also walked in such ways[2736], living in the same way. 8Now you must get rid of all this: anger, rage, malice. Let slander and foul language never proceed out of your mouth! 9And do not lie to one another: you have cast off your former nature with all its habits,2738 putting on a new nature, which is constantly renewed in the image of its Creator for the sake of knowing Him. 11 And there is no longer here Gentile,2740 nor Jew, no circumcision or uncircumcision, no barbarian,2741,b no Scythian,2742,2742,c no slave or freeman, but there is Christ, He is all and in all.2743

12 Clothe yourselves, then, O God's elect, holy and beloved, with mercy and kindness, with humility and meekness and longsuffering. 13Be tolerant to one another, and forgive one another if you have cause for discontent. and you must forgive in the same way as the Lord[2744] forgave you. 14And besides, clothe yourselves with love: it binds all good things and leads to perfection[2745].

15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,[2746]a and to this peace you are called as members of one Body[2747].b And be grateful. 16Let the message of Christ dwell in you[2748] in all its fullness, in all its wisdom,[2749] but you teach[2750] and instruct one another; with gratitude in your hearts sing to God[2751] psalms, hymns, and spiritual hymns. 17Let all that you do, all your words and deeds, be in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And give thanks to God the Father through Him.

Christian Home

18You, wives, submit to your husbands, as befits those who live in the Lord.

19But you, husbands, love your wives and do not grieve them[2752].

20Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is pleasing to the Lord[2753].

21But you, parents,[2754] do not be cruel to your children, lest they fall into despair.

22Servants, be obedient in all things to your earthly masters, not with ostentatious zeal, not to ingratiate yourself with them, but sincerely, from the heart, with reverence for the Lord. 23Whatever you do, do it from the heart,[2755] as for the Lord, not for men, 24knowing that the Lord will make you his heirs as a reward. After all, you serve[2756] one Lord, Christ. 25Whoever does unrighteousness,2757 whoever he may be, will be punished for all that he has done unrighteously.

4 И вы, владеющие рабами[2758]а, обходитесь с ними честно[2759]б и справедливо, зная, что и над вами есть Господь, на Небесах.

Последние наставления и приветствия

2 Постоянно пребывайте в молитве и, когда молитесь, бодрствуйте и благодарите Бога. 3О нас тоже молитесь, чтобы Бог открыл дверь для нашей проповеди и могли мы свободно возвещать тайну Христову[2760], за которую в узах я ныне, 4и о том молитесь, чтобы мог я возвещать ее ясно, как и должен то делать.

5С неверующими[2761] поступайте мудро, наилучшим образом используя время. 6Слова ваши пусть будут всегда и приятными, и уместными[2762], тогда вы сможете каждому ответить, как подобает.

7О моих обстоятельствах вам всё расскажет Тихик, возлюбленный брат наш, верный служитель и соработник в Господе. 8Я для того и послал его к вам, чтобы могли вы узнать, каковы наши дела[2763]а, и чтобы он ободрил вас[2764]б. 9Он придет вместе с Онисимом, верным и возлюбленным братом, одним из ваших[2765]. Они расскажут вам обо всем, что здесь происходит.