«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

All the gold in the world today is thrown into creating an obedient human herd on the planet. The herd is controlled and managed. A herd whose number can be reduced to please a handful of non-humans who call themselves the "world elite". This is the main goal of the builders of the "new world order".

In fact, this is an undeclared war against all of humanity. And, first of all, this is a spiritual war aimed at the destruction of national identity, national dignity, and the destruction of the traditional foundations of society. As early as 1933, Goebbels instructed the employees of the Ministry of Propaganda: "It is permissible to shoot the enemy with machine guns as long as he does not recognize the superiority of the one who has these machine guns. This is an easier way. But a nation can also be transformed by means of a revolution of the spirit, and thereby not to destroy the enemy, but even to win him over to one's side..." 32

By influencing people's consciousness, it is possible to control their behavior. This is the main principle of the information war. Whole armies of specialists are developing more and more powerful mechanisms for influencing the subconscious and feelings of people. At the same time, the socio-psychological state of various strata of society must be taken into account. With the help of electronic mass media,33 informational power is established over the souls of people who are still in their bodies, false ideals are formed; the concepts of truth, goodness, justice are erased; the true meaning of events is distorted, false images are taught and false thoughts are instilled. "The beginning of evil is a false thought! The source of self-deception and demonic delusion is a false thought! Prelest is the assimilation by a person of a lie, which he has accepted as truth, as St. Ignatius Brianchaninov edifies us. Charm initially acts on the way of thinking; being accepted and having perverted the way of thinking, it is immediately communicated to the heart, perverts the heart's sensations; having taken possession of the essence of man, it spills over all his activity, poisoning the body itself, as inseparably linked by the Creator with the soul. The state of delusion is a state of perdition or eternal death!" 34

The human tools of the devil put myths into the subconscious of people that do not correspond to reality. People begin to live in a world of illusions or in a world of virtual reality. Hence the distorted perception of reality, which can force a person to act against his own and national interests. The lion's share of information centers on the planet is captured by the same "world elite" serving the father of lies – the devil, which makes it possible to influence the consciousness of a huge number of people and program their behavior in the direction necessary for the World Government. Thus, mind manipulation is one of the most important tools for exercising global power. With this method of controlling mass consciousness, most people lose orientation, their will is paralyzed. They lose the ability to correctly analyze events taking place in the world, and therefore the freedom to make decisions or freedom of choice. The choice between Truth and falsehood, between good and evil. This means the loss of God-given freedom. People voluntarily give themselves into slavery to the prince of this world and his henchmen. For a long time, many researchers have been talking about such a phenomenon as teledrug addiction, or mass schizophrenia. In the Orthodox language, this can be called mass possession. The prophetic words of the Monk Abba Anthony the Great came true: "The time will come when people will be sick (in another translation "they will go mad"). — Author). When they see one who is not subject to the common disease, they will rise up against him, saying: "You are chiefly afflicted, because you are not like us."

The results achieved through the manipulation of mass consciousness allowed the strategists of the "new world order" to come close to their ultimate goal – the creation of a world system of total accounting, control and forcible control of the Earth's population. This means the complete submission of all the inhabitants of the planet to satanic forces or the onset of the last stage of preparation for the coming of the Antichrist. All this is being done under the plausible pretext of "improving the quality of life" and ensuring "peace and security" — "combating crime and international terrorism." In fact, a new social structure is being created, which can be defined as an electronic concentration camp on a planetary scale. Back in the late 60s of the last century, Brzezinski constantly spoke about the need to exercise control over the human "masses" and manage them: "The possibilities of social and political control over the individual will increase. Soon it will be possible to exercise almost continuous control over every citizen and to keep constantly updated computer files-dossiers, which contain, in addition to ordinary information, the most confidential details about the state of health and behavior of each person...

The relevant government agencies will have instant access to these files. Power will be concentrated in the hands of those who control the information...

This will give rise to a trend for the next few decades, which will lead to the technotronic era – a dictatorship in which the existing political procedures will be almost completely abolished..." 37

The rapid development of information technology in the second half of the 20th century made it possible to create a worldwide computer system that would allow surveillance and control of every inhabitant of the planet in the interests of the World Government. First of all, this is control over all movements, as well as over all income and expenses of a person. In order for such a system to start working, it is necessary to assign an identification number or personal code to each person, from young to old. The word "identify" means: to identify or assimilate one to another. 38

In the terminology used in the field of computer science 39, an identification number is a name that uniquely identifies or names an object of the system (in our case, a person) and is a sequence of numbers 40 41. Thus, in the satanic system of total accounting and control, a person becomes an object of management or a thing among things, likening himself to a commodity, and receives a new name – digital. This is how the person's name is replaced with a number, which is also called a digital identifier, slyly covering up the true spiritual meaning of such a replacement. For Orthodox Christians, it should be especially noted that a person by the name given to him in Holy Baptism is unique before God, and by number – before the satanic system.

It is no coincidence that, in accordance with international standards, the serial number included in the structure of a person's personal code is assigned by the date of birth. Therefore, in mystical terms, the acceptance of a digital identifier can be regarded as the birth and sacrament of initiation of a person into a new life – as an object of control in an anti-Christian system, or anti-baptism. At the same time, the very concept of personality as an independent separate being is abolished. According to the accepted terminology, data about a person is "depersonalized", that is, the living name given to a person in Holy Baptism in honor of his heavenly patron is removed and replaced with a dead name - a unique digital code. Such an action is nothing but a spiritual act.

The digital ID is actually quite unique. If any document (certificate, passport, etc.) is lost, it is replaced with another one with a new number. A digital name is lifelong and posthumous (after the death of a person, its identification number is not assigned to anyone). Thus, it can be argued that an identification number or personal code becomes the eternal digital name of a person in the anti-Christian system of the "new world order." A set of files-dossiers for all inhabitants of the planet is called a global database or the World Data Bank.

Through a digital name, a person communicates with a computer system, and the system communicates with a person. The entire social existence of the individual is reduced to the exchange of information with the system. In fact, a person turns into an appendage of an automatically operating system, which establishes certain "rules of behavior" for him, laid down in it by the ruling anti-Christian "world elite." It is clear that these "rules" will be drawn up in the appropriate spirit – in the spirit of the Antichrist! The "object" that refuses to comply with them will be "deleted" from the system – it will be deprived of all material benefits and will become an outcast. A soulless computer system will automatically judge a person continuously, thereby replacing the judgments of God. A person will be forced to live with caution, wondering with fear whether he has been "guilty" of something before the system. The system will completely control a person's life, and even "give him grades" for his behavior. According to these estimates, a person will occupy one or another place in society. The system will reward and punish. It will cultivate in a person certain qualities, by no means evangelical. Ideally, a person should become one with a system where the "rules of the game" will be established by the devil's henchmen. This means a complete loss of God-given freedom!

The outstanding Russian theologian, Professor N.N. Glubokovsky writes: "The first principle of Christian morality should be the unfailing abiding or unshakable stability in grace-filled freedom, with the unconditional elimination of everything that anywhere bears even a shadow of enslaving constraint."

It is quite obvious that the creation of an electronic concentration camp system on the planet is completely contrary to God's Providence for the world and man. This is no longer a "shadow of enslaving constraint", but the destruction of the divinely established order in the Universe...