«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

A distinctive feature of the world computer system is the use of an apocalyptic symbol in it - the number "666", widely used by Satanists to mock Christians. A digital identifier is assigned to a person in the form of a series of Arabic numerals. In order to enter it into a computer, it is necessary to convert a sequence of Arabic numerals into characters understandable to a machine, in other words, to present a digital identifier in a machine-readable form. Such a form of information presentation is a bar code. The EAN bar coding system has become widespread in all countries of the world, one of the varieties of which is the EAN-13/UPC standard. It is compatible with all other EAN standards and is universally accepted at home and abroad.

Barcode marking according to this standard is applied to almost all food and industrial products. This is well known even to children. A special feature of EAN-13/UPC barcodes is the presence of hidden redundant information in them in the form of the number "666", which, as is known, according to the Apocalypse of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, is the "number of the beast" – the Antichrist. This information is present in all instances of barcodes of this standard without exception. As a result, when data is entered and processed in a computer system, people's digital names will be permanently linked to the abominable symbol of the "son of perdition."

It should be noted here that the number "666" and the number that makes up the identification number are at different levels of perception or in different layers of the barcode, so they are read separately from each other, like two different numbers. This is clearly visible visually - the stripes representing the number "666" are omitted below the main row of strokes. Therefore, it cannot be said that this is one solid number. For the first time, a detailed scientific and technical analysis with evidence of the above was carried out by Hieromonk Luke and Monk Prodromos from the monastery of St. Gregory on Mount Athos in June 1997. 43

Both respected fathers in secular life were certified programmers of high qualification. Then, similar studies were carried out by a number of Russian specialists with Ph.D. and Ph.D. degrees in the field of information technology. These are the works of V.I. Akhrameev, Senior Researcher at the Gromov Research Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and I.G. Bashkirov, Senior Researcher at TTAGI, Candidate of Technical Sciences; scientific and technical opinion signed by seven scientists, including Vice-President of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences A.I. Subetto, Vice-Rector of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.A. Sokolov and others 45; as well as the research of Doctors of Technical Sciences, Academicians of the International Academy "Information, Communication, Management in Technology, Nature, Society" I.A. Domoratsky and V.M. Ilyin 46.

The conclusions are quite similar to the conclusion of the Greek researchers: "The barcode marking according to the EAN-13/UPC standards undoubtedly contains hidden redundant information, which is an image of the number "666" 47... Moreover, the use of symbols that together give exactly such a number is not only not technically necessary, but on the contrary, creates additional difficulties in decoding. To overcome these difficulties, the structure of the barcode was unnecessarily complicated to ensure the mandatory presence of the number "666" in it. For about 20 other known types of barcodes, no similar data have been revealed."48

This already indisputable scientific and technical evidence shows that the number "666" was deliberately introduced into the world's most used EAN-13/UPC barcodes. Visually, three pairs of thin parallel lines are visible in the barcode — at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end. It is under this symbol that the world trade and financial system is being built, aimed at the abolition and withdrawal of cash from circulation and the all-encompassing control of commodity exchange. The same system will eventually track all the movements of a person, study his tastes, habits, political views, religious views, in a word, all the qualities that make each individual a unique personality. Technically, this is already possible. It all started small, with barcode marking of goods in order to accustom a person to the "harmlessness" of this inscription 49.

Then, in many countries of the world, they began to introduce electronic documents based on plastic cards - passports, tax, insurance, medical, credit and other certificates. Recently, multifunctional cards that combine all or some of these documents have come into use. For example, an identity card and an "electronic wallet" that replaces cash in all forms of payment. As a rule, all these cards contain machine-readable records in the form of barcodes bearing the symbols of the "number of the beast" - "666"; magnetic stripes or electronic microcircuits — microchips. Constantly presenting these documents in different cases of life, each time a person voluntarily "responds" to his digital name, reporting it to the system. This name, identified within the system with man himself, is inextricably linked with the symbol of subordination to the Antichrist. Why did the Spirit-bearing Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain write back in 1987: "So, behind the 'perfect system of credit cards', behind computer security, lies a worldwide dictatorship, lies the yoke of the Antichrist"... 50

At the last stage of the development of the system, the need to identify the physical body of a person inevitably arises. This will be preceded by an artificial "failure" of electronic plastic cards. Father Paisios wrote about this: "After the "service card", the identity card, the dossier... They will constantly say on television that someone took someone else's card and received money from the bank on it. On the other hand, they will advertise a more "perfect system"... 51

St. John the Theologian reveals to us that the economic system that will then be imposed on people will be based on a "mark"... And now we see that world trade, in cooperation with the world economy, shows an inscription, first on all products and material goods, and gradually will be put on the right hand or on the forehead of a person." 52

And indeed, an automatically operating computer system must be "sure" that at the moment the electronic document is used by the person to whom this document belongs. After all, in fact, it is possible to steal, lose or transfer the document to another person. Today, another "weighty argument" in favor of the total stigmatization of the human "masses" is the "threat to their security" in connection with the sharp increase in organized crime, "extremism" and "rampant international terrorism." With the help of an electronic "tag" it is easy to find a kidnapped person, and the criminal will always leave "traces"...

Step by step, society will be methodically pushed and then coerced into the use of digital identifiers directly linked to the physical body, saying, "But this is in your own interest, for your own good! If you are an honest person, then what should you be afraid of? Let the bandits be afraid..."

So, after the abolition of cash, electronic plastic cards will also be canceled. The possibility of access to material goods and economic exchange will be available only to those who agree to accept the "electronic inscription" on the exposed parts of the body 53 — on the forehead or the arm. Thus, we see that today a new social order unprecedented in history is being actively imposed on humanity, strikingly reminiscent of what is described in the Apocalypse. In secular language, such a world order can be defined as global technotronic fascism with a computer system of the monetary system, where a person turns into a faceless biorobot convenient for exploitation. He is absolutely defenseless before the system and deprived of all rights and freedoms, first of all, the right to freedom of conscience. However, he still has the right to freedom in sin – within the limits allowed by the system...

In Orthodoxy, this world dictatorship is called the kingdom of the Antichrist. To implement their monstrous plans, the servants of the Antichrist use the latest achievements of science and high technology of the XXI century.