«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

At the last stage of the development of the system, the need to identify the physical body of a person inevitably arises. This will be preceded by an artificial "failure" of electronic plastic cards. Father Paisios wrote about this: "After the "service card", the identity card, the dossier... They will constantly say on television that someone took someone else's card and received money from the bank on it. On the other hand, they will advertise a more "perfect system"... 51

St. John the Theologian reveals to us that the economic system that will then be imposed on people will be based on a "mark"... And now we see that world trade, in cooperation with the world economy, shows an inscription, first on all products and material goods, and gradually will be put on the right hand or on the forehead of a person." 52

And indeed, an automatically operating computer system must be "sure" that at the moment the electronic document is used by the person to whom this document belongs. After all, in fact, it is possible to steal, lose or transfer the document to another person. Today, another "weighty argument" in favor of the total stigmatization of the human "masses" is the "threat to their security" in connection with the sharp increase in organized crime, "extremism" and "rampant international terrorism." With the help of an electronic "tag" it is easy to find a kidnapped person, and the criminal will always leave "traces"...

Step by step, society will be methodically pushed and then coerced into the use of digital identifiers directly linked to the physical body, saying, "But this is in your own interest, for your own good! If you are an honest person, then what should you be afraid of? Let the bandits be afraid..."

So, after the abolition of cash, electronic plastic cards will also be canceled. The possibility of access to material goods and economic exchange will be available only to those who agree to accept the "electronic inscription" on the exposed parts of the body 53 — on the forehead or the arm. Thus, we see that today a new social order unprecedented in history is being actively imposed on humanity, strikingly reminiscent of what is described in the Apocalypse. In secular language, such a world order can be defined as global technotronic fascism with a computer system of the monetary system, where a person turns into a faceless biorobot convenient for exploitation. He is absolutely defenseless before the system and deprived of all rights and freedoms, first of all, the right to freedom of conscience. However, he still has the right to freedom in sin – within the limits allowed by the system...

In Orthodoxy, this world dictatorship is called the kingdom of the Antichrist. To implement their monstrous plans, the servants of the Antichrist use the latest achievements of science and high technology of the XXI century.


Among the Byzantine manuscripts of the Vatican Library, a manuscript dating back to the beginning of the 15th century was discovered. This is a record of conversations between Monk Basil and his Elder, whose name has not come down to us. It is evident that the blessed Elder was a chosen vessel of God's grace, one of the greatest ascetics of his time. It is surprising how the Elder describes the times of the dictatorship of the Antichrist:

"Every person will be registered. Each not only deed and life, but also his word, and even his spiritual movement, will be under constant supervision and punishment, so that a person will unlearn to think for fear that something inconsonant with the power of the world ruler may be involuntarily reflected on his face... Only he who has taken upon himself the sign of the beast, that is, Satan, will be allowed to exist for a time, albeit in the most slavish and lowly conditions of extreme poverty and trampling on human dignity received by man from his Creator. Everything will be done so that the name of Christ will be completely stolen from the heart of man. Indeed, there will be a kingdom of hell on earth. There will be very few people of God left..." 54

With extraordinary accuracy, the spirit-bearing Elder described the conditions of existence and the image of a slave of the world electronic concentration camp. Today, the world is on the verge of a new type of slave-holding society. The fanatical plans of the servants of the coming Antichrist include not only the physical, but also the spiritual enslavement of people. Moreover, the means of achieving these goals is the widespread use of the latest achievements of science and technology. These include: systems of total control of electronic communications - from the telephone to computer networks (eavesdropping, recording and analysis of information messages); global positioning systems that make it possible to determine the location of a person at a particular point of the planet even at a depth of several meters underground; video surveillance, control and automatic recognition of human faces; electronic radio frequency tags introduced into consumer goods and banknotes; electronic identity cards equipped with microchips and much more that previously belonged to the field of science fiction. More and more new technological devices are being developed and tested, which should become the main elements of the system of total surveillance and absolute power over a person. In a number of countries, biometric systems for identifying a person based on biological data unique to each person are becoming widespread, such as fingerprints, iris, hand geometry, genetic code, and others. For example, in the Netherlands, as early as 2003, the plastic passports of all citizens will contain microchips with their biometric data. 55

The International Air Transport Association is introducing a system for recognizing passengers by the iris of the eye. At check-in, a person comes to a special counter and looks through a special peephole with one "registered" eye. A video camera sends an image of the iris to a computer, where it is compared with those in the database. If the answer is positive, the passenger is allowed to board. London Heathrow Airport, New York's Kennedy Airport and Washington's Dulles Airport are already equipped with such systems. 56

In a number of countries, identification systems are being introduced by papillary patterns of fingerprints. There are many examples. So, humiliating procedures, which were previously subjected only to criminals, are proposed to be introduced for all inhabitants of the Earth. A draft has been submitted to a special session of the UN General Assembly for consideration, according to which each inhabitant of the planet should be assigned a planetary identification number, fingerprints and iris scanned. The author of the project, Pascal Smet, states: "All technical problems have already been solved. It's just a matter of political will and investment... This is the basic rule of effective management. If you're managing something, you have to know exactly how much of it is." According to Smet, this method of registration will allow countries to open their borders, since respectable citizens will be able to easily identify their identity..." 57

However, the main "theorists" of the creation of the world kingdom believe that biometric systems of personal identification are not quite perfect - the identification procedure takes up to 10 seconds, and you can always lose the card with the chip. "There is no better identification card than the one that can be placed under the skin!" declares one of the "forecasters" of the development of human society, Ian Pearson. 58

For about three decades, a number of the world's leading scientific firms have been developing and implementing implantable chips in the human body – microelectronic and bioelectronic devices containing a unique identification number or personal code designed to communicate with an external computer system, with which this chip can interact in one way or another, including without the initiative of the person himself. There are already technologies that make it possible to "grow" microcircuits directly in the biological tissues of the human body. A system of buying and selling using implantable or "grown" microchips is being created before our eyes! This is clearly seen in the R&D chronology: